
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Creative Realtor Tagline - Please Help

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I've been in IT for 10 years and now I'm pursuing my passion for real estate. I'm a Real Estate Professional/Realtor and Real Estate Investor. My name is Diana Reller but everyone calls me "Dee". I need a Tagline that sets me apart from the traditional realtor and lets people know that I understand and am experienced in creative real estate/investing deals and not just the traditional kind of deals. I'm an out of the box kind of person and definitely unique as my friends would say. I'm not sure whether to work off my nickname of "Dee" or my Palindrome last name "RELLER" because a lot of people probably won't know what that is.

List of words/ideas to work with:

• Dee
• Diana
• Columbus, OH
• Creative or something that portrays that
• Repeat Resource – Something that conveys that they will want to keep coming back to use my services or sending me referrals.
• Out of the Box Thinker & Problem Solver
• Responsive
• Investor
• Investments
• Multi-Dimensional
• Determined
• Delivers
• Unique
• Straight talk

Your help is greatly appreciated. I just can't seem to get my mind around something.

Thanks! Dee
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  • Posted on Author
    I completely agree with you and understand that. However, I'm putting together some creative marketing material and new business cards and want a good tagline to put on those pieces.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Realtors looking for taglines should read the responses on this earlier thread.
  • Posted by TILO on Member
    Hi Dee

    Before we get into the Tag line element I would like to challenge you to ask yourself what are you marketing, you or the business?

    You need to be very clear if you are selling you, and your personal skills, or the consistent service that your company can provide. In Michael Gerber's excellent book "The E Myth Revisited" he separates the skills needed to run a business into three character traits; Technician, Manager and Visionary. If you haven't read it I would advise you to do so.

    The word of caution that Gerber gives is that if you focus too much of yourself in the business, and let your Technician personality take over, then you could not leave room for the other personalities to surface. Gerber highlights the importance that the business must create a consistent process which allows the service quality to be repeated every time, with or without the owner being present.

    OK enough rambling.. Let us move onto the Tag line.

    With this in mind my view on your Tag line must be:

    . Based on the business and not you
    . Address a "need" and not a "want" of a customer

    Going to the second point let us question why would they go to your business and not someone else's? Why would they go to the "new boy on the block" and not a known quantity?

    Brainstorming words come to mind of

    Personalized service
    Non-standard offering
    Lower cost
    Bigger Bang for your buck

    Therefore let us try and match up your list with some of the ideas above and we could have.

    - We want to listen, don't risk your real estate opportunity, talk to the people who know.

    - Don't through money away. Personalized real estate advice

    - Real estate investment, don't miss your opportunity, talk to the team that knows..

    - Straight Talkers - Real estate investment advice that you understand

    - Creative Investments - Let us make your real estate work for you.

    - Creativity not complexity - Real solutions to your real estate investment dilemmas.

    I hope this helps

  • Posted on Member
    Whether a client buys your service depends entirly on your presentation, persuasive quality and the uniqueness of the service that you offer. The tagline, irrespective of how wonderful it is, won't have any role to play here.

    Now let's go few steps back... If you wish to let people know that that you understand creative real estate deal and are not just the traditional kind of deals, the first thing you should do is making sure that clients come/ talk to you. Here your tagline can and should play a significant role.

    All I'm trying to say is - the one and only objective of your tagline should be - enticing potential customers to visit/call you. You can think of convincing a customer only when he/she approaches you. Therefore, phrase the tagline in such a way that reading this line a potential customer must feel that if she/he doesn't consult you she/he will miss something.

    One such tagline could be-

    "Dee Reller Real Estate: to know what you would have missed"
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for responding. I didn't use any of the suggestions exactly but used a bunch of the ideas in the thread to help me brainstorm and figure out what I wanted to do. I really appreciate that.

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