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Brand Detractors and Brand Evangelists: How to Connect with Influential Citizen Marketers

Jackie Huba
Thu., Jan. 28, 2010, 12pm ET (9am PT)
90 minutes
This online marketing seminar received 5 star(s)

A gaggle of angry moms rips a marketing campaign for the pain reliever Motrin amidst a sudden blizzard of tweets, blog posts and YouTube videos. Motrin’s vice president of marketing pulls the campaign and publicly apologizes. All this in a matter of two days.

Two tech executives with no food experience and zero marketing budgets find a loud and supportive subculture for their product, Bacon Salt. After befriending 37,000 bacon fans on Facebook and MySpace, they generate enough online buzz in less than two years that it spills over into newspaper articles, TV interviews and the holy grail of PR — an appearance on Oprah.

Learn about the cultural changes being driven by the fast-moving world of social media and how it's changing your work in marketing, public relations and customer service. Based on research from her book, Citizen Marketers: When People are the Message, best-selling author Jackie Huba will explain the motivations of the One Percenters: small bands of people whose content creation is converted into word of mouth and influences purchase decisions about products, brands and companies. You'll also get hands-on advice and tips on how to find and connect with the one-percenters in authentic, productive and non-embarrassing ways.


Jackie Huba is the co-author of two books on customer loyalty: Citizen Marketers: When People are the Message, (2007) which documents the emerging world of social media and how brands should begin to embrace a participatory culture. Besides being widely used at companies as an introduction to social media, Citizen Marketers has been adopted by college instructors as a tool for understanding the underlying nature of social media and what it means for marketing and public relations. Jackie's first book, Creating Customer Evangelists: How Loyal Customers Become a Volunteer Sales Force (2003) explains how companies convert customers into evangelists who spread the word about products, benefits or value propositions. Creating Customer Evangelists has been translated into six languages and has become a strategic focus for companies around the world.

Named as one of the 10 most influential online marketers, Jackie co-authors the award-winning Church of the Customer blog; with more than 120,000 daily readers, it's ranked as one of the most popular business blogs in the world. She is also a principal at Ant's Eye view, a management consulting firm that specializes in helping companies get smart on social business.

She is a graduate of Penn State University, a Pittsburgh Steelers fanatic and resides in Austin, Texas.

Who Should Attend?

Marketing managers, brand managers and online marketing managers who want to increase word of mouth for their products and engender more customer loyalty.

What Will You Learn?

  • Why the 1% rule governs online content creation
  • The five steps of the customer loyalty ladder
  • Best practices in dealing with critical online content
  • Why "Participation" is the fifth "P" of marketing
  • How to embrace your most fervent evangelists online (and offline)

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