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Content is the most powerful marketing tool at your disposal—but with increasingly fierce competition between businesses, brands are finding it harder to distinguish themselves from their rivals.

However, custom content has become the secret ingredient in business success. Here are five reasons why you should consider creating custom content.

1. Custom content will make your brand stand out from the abundance of competitors

Here's an astonishing fact: 27,000,000 pieces of content are shared each day. Recently, marketing expert Mark Schaefer brewed-up a storm with his piece on content shock. Mark argued that the world of content writing is becoming oversaturated; with more than 27 million pieces of content being shared day-in and day-out, average, run-of-the-mill content has stopped attracting customers.

He's right.

Competition between content is fierce. For your brand and business to stand out, you need to invest time and money into creating unbeatable content that appeals specifically to a certain audience. Consistency and quality are now paramount to success, and businesses can no longer get away with low-quality, sporadic articles. Killer custom content that speaks directly to a niche is what will differentiate your brand from others and prevent your business from getting buried.

2. More people will notice your brand through social media channels because of custom content

According to a research, interesting content is one of the top three reasons people follow brands on social media. Custom content is vital to bringing in passionate audience. Isn't that the most exciting reason of all?

Social media represents a huge, untapped resource of potential website visitors, leads, and customers. Once you make your content easily accessible from different sources including social media channels, it will also become a way to improve brand awareness. And even though custom content is important for customer retention, it is just as effective for lead generation and nurturing.

3. Custom content provides much-needed help and guidance to your customers

Ready for more statistics? Some 90% of consumers find custom content useful. Which brings us to a conclusion that the majority of Internet searches are problem-solving—with millions of confused people scouring the Web for answers to their problems.

Your custom content should solve those problems.

By tailoring your custom content to answer popular questions within your niche, you set your business apart as a helpful, authoritative resource, and you attract relevant visitors to your website. Visitors trust your brand, and trust is a crucial component of consumer psychology, causing useful custom content to have a direct impact on sales and conversion rates.

Try commissioning an FAQ or a comprehensive industry guide. Brainstorm the most common problems your target audience face... and solve them with incredible content.

4. Custom content is the link between your business goals and your audience's needs

You may have a marketing strategy, so you might think that you have it all figured out... but without having custom content at your disposal, your potential audience will turn their backs on you.

You must constantly study your competitor's content. Find out which elements of their content attract visitors, and create custom content that improves upon it. In addition to impeccable blog management, you must never lose sight of what your audience is up to and study their interests, priorities, goals, and behavior.

5. Custom content is what keeps the flame alive

Another major function of custom content is retaining your existing audience and keeping their interest in what you have to offer. According to one insightful write-up that compares the terms content marketing and custom content it is custom content that speaks to your brand's current audience in the first place, it is directed internally. Content marketing on the other hand, is your major weapon in attracting new masses.

* * *

Mediocre content is no longer enough to drive traffic, leads and customers to your business. The brands that are willing to invest extra effort into custom, tailored content are already reaping the rewards, and standing-out from the crowd.

Has custom content proved to be the key to your business success? Would you ever invest in business blog management or do you trust your own instincts, knowledge, and writing skills? Let us know in the comments!

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Five Reasons to Add Custom Content to Your Marketing

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image of Helen Nesterenko

Helen Nesterenko is the founder of, the go-to place for engaging content that drives marketing results for businesses.

LinkedIn: Helen Nesternko

Twitter: @HNesterenko