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  • The use of video in content marketing is becoming increasingly vital to B2B businesses. Create the best possible videos to boost your sales by using these five tips.

  • A newsletter can be an effective way to deliver content right to where your customers are: their email inboxes. There's no magic switch to pull, but you can put your newsletter strategy on the right path by following these tips.

  • Caroline Jerome of brand and marketing firm TBGA talks about the importance of data visualization—from the boardroom to the email inbox. She shows us why sharing data in visually pleasing and informative ways can have a huge impact on your audience.

  • Content is a powerful way for marketers to get their unique voice across. And what better way to showcase your passion for content than to put its creation and dissemination in the hands of your employees?

  • Video can play a unique role in account-based marketing. There aren't many other tactics that make you stand out from the crowd, drive engagement, and result in useful analytics all at once. See how to use video for ABM.

  • No time to create new content? Never fear: It's possible to take a single webinar and create nine additional pieces of content from it. Here's how.

  • MarketingProfs storytelling subject matter expert and commonsku Chief Content Officer Bobby Lehew shares insight into how storytelling can dramatically improve your B2B content marketing results.

  • Often, our online content doesn't engage readers because they don't want to read so much text. And that impacts bounces and time on page, which Google watches closely. So how can you improve engagement—and on-page SEO? This articles explains what you need to know.

  • Dogecoin was created as a joke in 2013, after two hours of development by an engineer and an entrepreneur. So how can we explain the recent Dogecoin frenzy? From the perspective of marketing, what turned a joke into the fifth-largest cryptocurrency by market cap? Let's take a look.

  • How exactly do you create an effective piece of content? A recent infographic from Orbit Media Studios outlines an effective strategy for developing high-performing articles.

  • Email marketing funnels can help you lead people from interest to action. So, how can you build an effective one?

  • The secret to marketing automation success is knowing what email campaigns to use and when. Seven campaigns effective enough to get you promoted are outlined in this article.

  • The need for businesses to be creative in the digital experiences they provide has become palpable in the past year. If a business is not creative, its brand suffers. Here's why businesses should value creativity in their marketing.

  • Content marketing can make or break the success of an account-based marketing campaign. To ensure your campaign is a success, avoid these five content mistakes.

  • Content marketing is inherently a long-term, cumulative investment; a single piece of content won't likely lead to a sales increase. That makes it hard to measure ROI. But hard doesn't mean impossible. Here's how you can measure your content marketing.

  • Fresh off a MarketingProfs webinar, Bobby Lehew joins us to answer questions we didn't get to in the Q&A. We talk about where powerful stories come from, how to connect with your audience, and why it's OK to quit on bad books. And more.

  • A stellar content experience for your buyers can be transformative—both to their relationship with your company and to your own business outcomes. But the rules of content have changed. You'll need to know these three new rules of content experience.

  • Marketers say their biggest challenge with freelance content creators is the time they need to spend managing those freelancers and bringing them up to speed on brand guidelines, according to recent research from Skyword.

  • This recent infographic from LinkedIn Marketing Solutions explores how B2B marketing can be fascinating—and even brilliant—when it's rooted in human emotions.

  • Writing about your experiences and aspirations can have a wide range of personal and professional benefits. This infographic from Opyrus explores the power of personal storytelling and how it helps both mental and physical health.