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  • There's no point in burying your head in the sand: Generative AI is here to stay, and it's only going to become more popular. The good news is tech marketers can use AI platforms like ChatGPT to make their lives a lot easier.

  • Generative AI tools have captivated the imagination of millions, but what do they have to offer B2B marketers? How will we be applying them in our work? Here are three ideas.

  • The podcast audience in the United States has more than tripled in size over the past decade, according to recent research from Edison Research.

  • Host George B. Thomas and content expert Joe Pulizzi talk about why content strategy requires patience and consistency, what the difference is between epic and mediocre content, and why content marketers need to start thinking like publishers.

  • Most long-form content is meant to help readers and prospects solve a problem, and it's best not to oversell your brand when creating it. But when should you start slipping in mentions of your solution? When is it time to get promotional?

  • AI will only replace you if your pitches and marketing copy are as wooden as those crafted by... well, a robot. It's time to embrace your humanity.

  • Is the AI-powered ChatGPT tool any good at writing B2B articles about technology topics? To find out, Midas Touch Consultants had it write 50 articles based on outlines.

  • As teams are becoming more dispersed, the tone of written business communication is becoming increasingly important, according to recent research from Grammarly.

  • When searching for content related to B2B vendors, senior leaders at enterprise tech companies say they are most concerned with whether the information will help them meet a specific goal, according to recent research.

  • This infographic explores the differences between publication and library content strategies in areas such as timelines and topics, and it looks at how to succeed with each approach.

  • Don't make basic content marketing blunders. Check out this list of gaffes that happen more often than they should.

  • Everyone has questions about whether, when, and how to use ChatGPT for marketing. Aside from the sense of wonder that tech is crafting sentences, what does it really bring to the table? One marketing department did some experimenting to find out.

  • Marketers looking to be on trend with their infographics this year may want to experiment with bright colors, animation, vintage vibes, personalization, gradients, linework, and data visualization.

  • Learn how to close the credibility gap between marketers and sales reps, why your sellers aren't using your marketer-created content, how to increase content use by up to 111%, and what steps to take to create a sustainable content lifecycle. Sponsored by Allego.

  • This week's podcast discussion with Ashley Faus tackles content and thought leadership, including why attribution methods from 10 years ago no longer work, why thought leadership has to be divorced from revenue, and why great content is like a playground.

  • Marketers and creatives say the top things that slow the creative process down are waiting for feedback and chasing down approvals, according to recent research.

  • The buzz about content creation is that AI is going to start doing it for us. That's not really the case—although it will certainly change the game, together with several other forms of tech that are influencing content growth.

  • There's not much value in a whitepaper if otherwise valuable information is hidden by bad design. Here are five things to avoid.

  • The firms that succeed the most with content marketing are much more likely to document their strategies, invest a greater share of budget in content, use paid channels for promotion, and measure ROI, according to recent research from Semrush.

  • AI is helping marketers unlock their creativity and speed up content development—from ideation to outline-writing, editing, publishing, and more. Register now to learn how AI writing technology can increase your writers' productivity tenfold without sacrificing quality or brand consistency. Sponsored by Writer.