
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Cancer Center Needed

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I need to come up with a tagline for our cancer center. It is a small (but brand new) cancer center in a small waterfront community. We have 2 well-known doctors and a wonderful staff. We offer technology and quality care, but our best benefit is that we have great programs for our patients and the staff treats them like family. We offer care that has a personal touch and they are not treated like a patient, they are treated like a friend or family member. Everyone knows their name and is always happy to see them, they are not treated like a statistic. Benefits also include the fact that they can receive quality care from physicians and staff they can trust, they are not just their caregivers, but their neighbors and friends. They do not have to leave their home to get quality care, we offer great care right here in their hometown.

The tagline needs to focus on warmth and the humanistic feature that our cancer center offers. It needs to be soft and very "touchy feely" to have that personal touch. It needs to show or represent the caring staff of our cancer center......

Any ideas?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Hometown Care
  • Posted on Accepted
    We understand you'd rather be at home

    The kind of pampering you need

    loving you through this journey

  • Posted on Accepted
    We are there for you.

    With you at every step of the way.

    We care for you.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Since my mother has recently been diagnosed I hope I can offer insight as this is a subject so very close to me right now

    Like Family...We're There For You, We Care For You

    A Caring Family of Professionals

    A Wealth of Knowledge and Compassion

    Marketing Riot

  • Posted by rjohnni on Accepted

    From me, have done it for my gramps and an know the insights

    Cancer Care. Family Cure

    Because Caring is Curing

    From marketingriot:
    Lakeshore Cancercare Facilities: Knowledge. Compassion. Care

  • Posted by rjohnni on Member
    Jo: You are not alone is plain brilliant!

    Grand Show...

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