
Topic: Taglines/Names

Payroll Company - Need Name And Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are an outsourcing payroll company. We need a name and a tagline. My focus right now is more on the name than the tagline. I want something catchy. Something that is easy for people to remember. Any suggestions?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Experience across a broad range of industries and product/service categories suggests that catchy names don't do nearly as well as names that communicate a unique and important positioning benefit. What makes you a great solution for your target audience? Why should they hire you? What important need of theirs do you satisfy?

    You might also think about exactly who is in your primary target audience. The more narrowly and specifically you can define them the easier it will be to zero in on a positioning benefit and a name. Where do they operate? What defines good clients and differentiates them from not-so-good clients? What are they doing now for payroll services? What would they love to have that they can't get now from their current solution?

    If you want us to help you, you really need to help us understand your target audience and the unique benefit that you offer them. Otherwise we're just playing word games, not really helping you market your way to business success.
  • Posted on Author
    Great solution because we can process the payroll so that the owner can run their business and focus on revenue making activites. Great solution because they can eliminate payroll tax penalties and interest because that becomes our liability.

    Target audience is small to midsize businesses. Trying to sign up clients that outsource their payroll now but are unhappy with their current provider because of price or customer service. Trying to sign up clients doing payroll in-house because we can do it more cost effective for them.

    We can give the employees direct deposit that the company cannot give them.

    We provide great customer service.
  • Posted by rakesh_sethia80 on Accepted
    You May Try These:
    "Pay Packet" or "Pay Package"
    "Easy Payroll Solutions"
    "CTC"(Cost To Company)
    "Hassle-Free Payrolls"

    "Your Payroll Partner"
    "For All Your Payroll Needs"
    "Because Payroll Is A Serious Busines"
    "Your Payroll Friend"
    "Rest Assured ,For Your Payroll"
    "All Payroll Solutions Delivered"

  • Posted on Accepted
    Paycheck Place
    -Taking the work out of payroll

    Payday Way
    -Payroll made easy

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