
Topic: Student Questions

How To Make A Marketing Plan?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I've been doing the Nestle Italy case. How to make the excutive summary? What the possible solutions to this case? What are the plans and tactics the company need to increase its market share?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    There are some great examples at and .

    Also try the following:

    Use the site search funtion here at MP to look for articles. There are a TON of tutorials and informative articles here.

    I hope this helps!

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    The Executive Summary

    An executive summary is a brief overview of a report designed to give the reader a quick preview of its contents. Its purpose is to consolidate the principal points of a document in one place. After reading the summary, your audience should understand the main points you are making and your evidence for those points without needing to read your report in full. That's why it's called an executive summary -- the audience is usually someone who makes funding, personnel, or policy decisions and needs information quickly and efficiently. Remember that your purpose is to provide an overview or preview to an audience who may or may not have time to read the whole report carefully.
    Some guidelines for writing executive summaries:

    * An executive summary should explain why you wrote the report, emphasize your conclusions or recommendations, and include only the essential or most significant information to support those conclusions
    * Executive summaries are usually organized according to the sequence of information presented in the full report, so follow the order of your report as you discuss the reasons for your conclusions.
    * Executive summaries are usually proportional in length to the larger work they summarize, typically 10-15%. Most executive summaries are 1-2 paragraphs.
    * Write the executive summary after you have completed the report and have decided on your recommendations. Look at first and last sentences of paragraphs to begin to outline your summary. Go through and find key words and use those words to organize a draft of your summary; look for words that enumerate (first, next, finally); words that express causation (therefore, consequently);words that signal essentials (basically, central, leading, principal, major) and contrast (however, similarly, more than, less likely).
    * Make the summary concise, but be sure to show why you've arrived at your conclusions.
    * Don't introduce any new information that is not in your report.
    * Executive summaries should communicate independently of the report. Ask someone not familiar with the report's examples to read your executive summary to see if it makes sense.


    Carl Crawford
    (Student in Residents)

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