
Topic: E-Marketing

Organization And Staffing Structure

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
How are most large organizations (750+) that use some type of Marketing Automation Software staffed to manage it, and the email function? To what degree is it centralized? Another way to say this: should organization centralize email function function / skill set / expertise. Should anyone be able to email?
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  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Clearly you want a consistent message but email marketing is designed for quick action. Waiting for a certain someone to be in the office to actually send the mail seems counterproductive.

  • Posted by Alan Mangelsdorf on Accepted
    Joseph -- Most of the better email automation tools make this a pretty easy task. You can draft and preview the email messages in advance and schedule their delivery. No one needs to be there to press the send button. There are many out there, but be careful -- you get what you pay for: free tools lack most of the functionality you need to really benefit. Look at marketo. It's got great functionality, but is not nearly as expensive as Eloqua.

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