
Topic: Student Questions

Point Of Purchase & Impulse Buying.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
How can we define Point of Purchase Ads in todays context and can we define boundaries in which these POP ads should be done?
What all can be a POP ads?
Can POP Ads induce impulse buying in consumers?
How well can it help companies?
Can this be a new areana for Advertising?
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    1) Located on the store grounds (eg the point of purchase)

    2) POP is the packaging, a display sign that draws your attention, a person giving taste tests, the poster on the wall that has the product, the little ad on the trolley that they have ad supermarkets, people calling out the specials via the intercom.

    3) Is gives the best ROI if done correctly

    4) YES!!!!! That is what they are designed to do. That is why they are there!

    5) It has been around since the beginning of marketing. Only now are people starting to realise the value of it.
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi russeljohn

    great response from the experts. they have covered the entire gamut of POP/POS advertising. Some things i need to add to them are..

    1. Product packaging is another important element of POP advertising. This tends to be overlooked by many.

    2. POP/POS material advertisement copy needs to be crisp, and to the point. If you are comparing your brand's better value for money with the competition you better clearly point to that. Like others said, the consumers dont have time to calculate the VFM and take your brand from the shelf (if you have a not-so-pointed POP).

    3. Yes POP/POS are there to induce the Impulse Buying in the first place.

    4. POP/POS ads are increasing getting popularity now-a-days because of increasing cost of ATL (TVC, Press, Online and OOH). Plus for certain type of products like tobacco, alcohol darker market scenarios are making these products to depend on more POP/POS and BTL communication.

    hope this helps.


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