
Topic: Student Questions

Standardization Vs Customization

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have a a topic about: "Customization is better than standardization"
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  • Posted on Author
    In my opinion, It depends on situation, sometimes standardization can better or worse when compare with customization
  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    Great! Sounds like a fun topic. Lots of things to consider. After you have done your research and formed your opinions, be sure to put any of your original thoughts here and we would be glad to give you input based on our experience. Doing your research first and putting your thoughts down and then sharing a discussion with us is a great way to learn!

    Good luck!

  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    Like almost everything else, it depends. It depends on the industry, your target audience, what competition is doing, and a dozen other factors. There is no single answer.
  • Posted on Member
    Well as far as this question goes?

    The end is not specific I mean over here we are discussing with the view point of Client or with the View point of the actual maker of the product?

    If its from the client's end then it wholly depends upon the easiness of operation and fulfillment of the purpose of that particular product or service, if the client thinks that standard product or service will be better then obviously he can go for that otherwise customization is the alternative.

    The other important thing that comes here is that cost of customization, cos its always said that the cost of implementation of a new thing should not be greater than the profit earned by it!

    And ya as far as the producers end goes he will always favor the standard product of his.
    But he too can have a look at the customized option if he is gaining more!

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