
Topic: Strategy

New Product & Service Launch

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi, our start-up company is launching a new wireless device that delivers content to consumers. The service allows users to download content on the go (but not ubiquitous access), share content legally, and receive "push" content from our service. Long term, our business plan is to be in the service business and license the hardware to bigger players. Having said that, we're doing both initially to demonstrate "proof of concept." Our marketing challenge is the TiVO problem, that is which feature do we highlight in our marketing? In the TiVo case, consumers liked pausing live tv, recording a season's worth of shows with one click, getting recommendations, etc. We have a similar problem, direct download to the device (bypassing the PC), legal file sharing, and receipt of pushed content.

We're looking for guidance on how to develop a the marketing strategy. Recommendations for firms that work with start-up media companies to address these questions would especially be helpful.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.!
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member

    The answer to this question is pretty involved. Why not post it as a project for us to bid on?


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