
Topic: E-Marketing

E-marketing Software - Best Value For Money?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We have a Saleslogix database with ~65,000 contacts worldwide, of which ~45,000 have email addresses. We currently do our E-marketing (technical newsletters etc) using a low-cost bulk Email software (Aureate GroupMail Pro) which is not connected to our Saleslogix database. It is a manual, labor-intensive process to keep up with unsubscribe requests etc each time we send out our E-newsletter. Our regional offices all use different software (or just Outlook) to do their local E-marketing. Can anyone recommend a good E-marketing software which plugs into Saleslogix and will give us better control over our overall E-marketing activities?
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  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Member

    I am just wondering why you don't use the Saleslogix tools to accomplish the task. I am not a Saleslogix user but I just checked their site and they claim to have something that might work.

    Just curious.
  • Posted on Member
    Usually creating a simple XML protocol between the systems and executing an information pass on a timed or batch method should handle everything you need.

    Otherwise, I would take a look at RightNow Technologies. With their system marketing, sales, tech support and customer service are all shared in one interface . . . We couldn't be happier with them.
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Regrettably, I don't have an answer to your specific question about a solution that will plug into Saleslogix.

    However, I'm thinking that a move to a Web-based email communications solution is a step in the right direction.

    First, even if you don't find an interface, it should prove much more easy to keep your unsubscribes updated. This will be easier because the solution that you're using to send the email will also be the one that manages the unsubscribes. There won't be any need to compile and import this information back into the email database. (You might, however, want to update your Saleslogix database with this information from time to time; this is a simple download/upload process.)

    Second, you might find a vendor that has a means of integrating its email solution with Saleslogix. And even if no formal API is available, you can probably still move the data back and forth through HTTP or XML.

    Another advantage of the Web-based solution is that you can then let your regional offices use it to manage their email efforts. This can be important because you can standardize the communications (templates, etc.) AND maintain cross-department compliance with CAN-SPAM by centralizing unsubscribes, something you are probably not doing now.

    I co-wrote a paper for MarketingProfs on selecting an email marketing vendor, so if I can help you in any way (no charge, this is not a pitch for a consulting gig), just let me know.

    Good luck.


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