
Topic: Student Questions

Marketing And Non-profit Organizations!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Should non-profit organizations follow the marketing concept?
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    Yes, successful non-profits use the same marketing concepts that for-profits use. Some non-profits are businesses - not charities. But, even the charities have customers who are called donors and who can be segmented by their needs, competition for the donor's money, core competencies, and value propositions just like for-profits. Non-profits also have branding, marketing, and media plans. The process of marketing a non-profit is not much different from a for-profit.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted on Accepted
    hi there svetie,

    i've been with one for a few months though the cause was government and ethnic-oriented. We did a little bit of marketing but being in a multi-racial country, we had to tread carefully.

    A marketing concept helps advocates your cause to the public; creating awareness and drawing in more supporters, however, note that not EVERYONE are on your side or simply feel they have better things to do.
    Determine your audiences and key messages. Then adapt it to a plan that works best.

    Good Luck

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