
Topic: Student Questions

Apple Computers Marketing Mix.

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Ok, SO I've just got this new assignment, its due tomorrow its on the marketing mix of a company of my choice. I've chossen apple computers. The assignment must inlclude infromation on the companies competitors etc.What Im looking for is really just a few pointers to improve it. I realise its not finished yet. Heres what I got so far(without all of the images in the ms word file):


An overview of Apple computer Inc. Some may not see it as necessary but I have included it so the reader can gain a better understanding of this project.

Who are they?
 A Silicon Valley computer company
 Based in Cupertino, California and founded April 1st 1976
 Famous for helping the personal computer revolution to commence
 Known worldwide for the success of their hardware including the iPod and the iMac.

ne of the main reasons that I have chosen Apple computers as my topic is that in my opinion, Steve Jobs (founder of Apple Computer Inc.) is undoubtedly a genius in the marketing sector. Apple Computers Inc started with the production of 2 computers in the garage at the side of Steve’s house. With very limited education Job’s has managed to build his empire to be what it is today. His marketing strategies are well thought out and always up to date,

Job’s has expanded his marketing techniques to reach a wide market (something some companies would consider insane, having to take a risk that no one has took before).

He has used his persuasiveness and clever marketing techniques to build an ideal world of white, abstract, shiny , arty and most importantly expensive surroundings that everyone wants. Luckily for the consumer, Steve Job’s loves to sell you his premium priced electronics, which, are of course “superior” to that of the competitor.

Job’s ability to sell products, market them successfully and always come up with something new and unique is reflected in the company logo

To cut a long story short Apple is a huge success story from the point of marketing. Now, on to the product.


I will be focusing on a selection of Apple’s products. I have chosen the most successful from a marketing point of view. Here they are:


he Powermac is Apple’s flagship desktop “Power PC”. The Powermac is aimed at professional users and is used worldwide as industry standard in web design, graphic design, movie production, music production, print and art (the list goes on).
Apple’s marketing technique places strong emphasis on the importance of design, packaging and atmosphere. I could list the specifications of the computer, how big the hard drive is, how fast it is…. But wouldn’t this be pointless?
These computers have been designed to sell on looks alone. The consumer wants the computer once they see it, before they even know anything about it. For a long time Apple have looked at what the competition is doing and then thinking…. How could we improve this? A fine example of this is the Powermac. Other computers boast up to a “jaw-dropping 20inch monitor” as an extra bonus. Apple have taken this idea and included a slightly bigger 40inch widescreen monitor as standard.

Apple ask why should the consumer use any product that doesn’t have the Apple logo on it? Let’s make it work as a TV and a DVD player and copier at the same time, why should you need a TV? And, seeing as this is an unbelievable, out of this world product we’ll charge the consumer eight times what it costs to make, that’s right 8,000euro.

The idea of the high “Premium pricing strategy” leads the consumer to believe that it is better. But is it really?

As a result the Powermac has played a huge role in helping Apple up the ladder to success.

THE iBOOK and the iMAC.

he iBook is a laptop designed by Apple. Again, a lot of time and consideration have gone in to the design and the eye-pleasing factor of the iBook. Why should we make a laptop like all others ? Why not create something new and unusual, drop the price, sell more and make another fortune?

Here is an extract from Apple’s website about the iBook:

“Surf the Web, chat with friends, do homework, play games, even burn DVDs and CDs to create your own video or musical masterpiece. In your favorite café. At 2 a.m. With built-in wireless capability and 512MB of memory standard, the iBook G4 delivers today’s digital lifestyle to your backpack, starting at $999.”

On the website apple boasts “Rave-worthy performance”, “Durable space age construction” and conclude by saying “Its your life” and then “Live wirelessly, spend wisely”. They also mention that it is the smallest consumer laptop available on today’s market.

The iBook is aimed at College students, Apple’s marketing strategy takes advantage of travel and college life. “The iBook is small enough to bring to your lectures to take notes”, “Store all of your photos in one place”, “Ultimate portability for students”

The iMac is basically the desktop equivalent of the iBook and is based on the same slim-line, abstract design. Of course this only comes in white (Something Apple is well known for). For simplicity, the iMac incorporates all parts of the computer into the 20inch monitor. This would encourage to consumer to buy it – As Apple put it a powerful, inexpensive computer, which saves desk-space and will do anything a PC will do only better.

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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    May want to check this out:

    Also Mac moving to the intel platform away from PowerPc.

    And Macs are not better at graphics than a windows machine. In fact they are slipping behind.

    In my opionion, iMacs were a really bad idea. They locked the screen into the base with the hard drive. There was no way to change the screen if it got damaged or if you wanted to upgrade.

    Itunes was a really good idea, but now they have become greedy and are going to double the price.

    Apple is actually a hardware company. For a $5,000 machine the operating system only cost $100 or so, the rest of the money comes from the hardware like the ipod.

    The only thing worse than a monoperally on software is a monoperally on software AND hardware.

    You could also look into the new $100 laptops for school children iin africa beign developrf at MIT. Apple offered to GIVE them the OS for free. Just think of it millions of children growing up using the Apple OS.

    You could also look at the school in america that is book less because they use laptops for everything.

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