
Topic: E-Marketing

Online Video Presentations

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
Hey there -
Looking for a software program that will enable us to easily and cost effectively create instructional and promotional videos/powerpts that we can place on our Web site. Not technically inclined, I've looked at swishzone, Microsoft Producer and Camtasia. Anyone have experience using these or others? Your insights are appreciated!
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    Why not use wink?

    It is free:

    Then edit it with wax

    These tools are VERY EASY TO USE, and VERY WELL MADE.

    There forum is VERY good with lots of helpful people.

    But if feel you must pay for a program then Camtasain is very good.

    If you can get away with just a powerpoint presentation then try converting it to flash with swish presenter, the last time i checked they had just added sound.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    Wink exports to flash

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