
Topic: Strategy

Eureka ! Eureka !!

Posted by Anonymous on 1000 Points
Dear friends,
I need your help. If i earn something i will give you a share of it.
I have a very effective alternative medicine cure for myopia and hyperopia. It is just excercises and external herbal eyedrops.It has been developed by a optician who is also alternative medicine expert.

Wait ! Even i have heard of such hoax. never believed it.
But when i saw my cousin's hyperopia cured two years back, i tried to investigate. I participated in a seminar by the optician .I saw many many people from my community who had got cured. Those who did not follow his prescription strictly had reduced their glass power.

His methods can be money spinning for a right person or organisation.

The optician is middle aged person with limited resources. He can not sell this idea . I can help research experts to meet him . But i need my share. Suggest me how can i bind interested parties to pay me for brokerage ? What is the way to approach such research companies ? will they believe me. How much should i charge ?
I am honest person. I run a web design company,listed at I know of scam artists and nigeria frauds. But i am not among them can i prove ....
Can any person on marketing profs help me ?
I have seen people who look for new idea here it is...
I am from India. my yahoo id is Email address deleted by staff
I am online 12 hours..i also use skype ...

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  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    As an optician, he likely has to keep strict medical records on all his patients. My suggestion is to contact Indian researchers in the US and have them meet with your friend on their next visit back.

    Upon their return to the US, they can share the information in the research community here. That's really the only way to build credibility here.

    As far as you getting paid, that commitment is going to have to come from your friend the optician.

    Now if you want someone to take the research he's done..with case studies...and put it into a marketing campaign to reach opticians in the US directly, we can certainly help out. You can e-mail me by clicking on my name above or over on the right.

  • Posted by Ghost Writer on Accepted
    Until you have independent, verifiable, published results of your client's product/process, you will not be able to attract attention from the mainstream medical community or be able to market successfully in their major channels.

    The bottom line is that there ARE many fraud artists out there, particularly in the medical field. If you approach opticians in the U.S. with an unproven (by their standards) story that contradicts their current knowledge and practices, you will get precisely nowhere.

    So, step one is to establish your credibility. Have independent clinical and lab studies conducted and get the results published in credible journals. Then, you can start speaking with journalists, doctors, distributors, etc.

    As for your return on investment, you are definitely taking a chance. Any new product launch is a roll of the dice to some extent, particularly one with no financial backing! However, if you truly beleive in your client, you can strike a deal with him for a percentage of profits (make sure they are gross, not net points or ytou may end up with nothing) ... how much of a percentage depends on how much he needs you and how much you can help him. The general rule in these kinds of negotiations is that a number that leaves both of you a little unhappy is probably the right one ...
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Dear sd2187,

    Got your email and you have been given some pretty good and interesting advice. In America FDA approval always impacts what we can do in our country as it relates to food and drugs. Most people stop when they face that mountain but some persist and win.

    (Which will you be in the end is truly based on your determination to succeed). It is true all things can not easily be proved by machines that measure the truth of how we are healed. It is a known fact that healing can occur from faith which is our own belief that if we can perceive our own wellness we can invoke every blood cell in our body to work toward our healing. Observe the placebo testing if you want to know more. However

    10 years ago in a small suburb in Illinois I had a dream to go after an impossible dream (nothing like what you're trying to do) but any dream worth trying to accomplish requires ---BELIEVING in what you do. I encourage you to keep dreaming. In 2006 I'm going to dream again...this time it's for the children (raising $100 Million dollars for Children At-Risk)

    HISTORY STILL PROVES DREAMS DO COME TRUE...(Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Einstein, Edison, Helen Keller & Anne Sullivan, Elie Wiesel, Martin Luther King were all great dreamers)

    Even when the great dreamers of the past believed they had proof that the world was not flat they still had to work against the common notions of the frozen stiff-necked mindsets of men.

    You too will be faced with that same challenge even as I was in 1996 and all of us will be in 2006. But the good news is "I WON" and if you too work smart enough (which is just sometimes being willing to work stupidly until you get enough understanding to do it smartly) you too will WIN!

    CULTIVATE RELATIONSHIPS...tell your dream to everyone...
    This is probably two of the most important ingredients to actually achieving something successful but equally the most frustrating part of achieving anything successful.

    Because most people are not actively pursuing their own dreams they become haters of the DREAM. Deep down inside they know they should be working on their dream and you sharing your dream with them reminds them of the work they are failing to do. So they become dark with envy because of what you do that sheds light on what they are not doing. So don't become dismayed when others will not help you (love them anyway, be nice to them...they may have a change of heart).


    Is this what you really want to do with your life?

    If you had all the money you needed with no need at all to have to work another day in your life "IS THIS" REALLY WHAT YOU WOULD SPEND YOUR TIME DOING?

    (if you can not say YES to this question STOP wasting your time and the time of everyone you are trying to enlist!) But if you can resoundingly say YES this is what I have been born to achieve...this is my ULTIMATE PURPPOSE in life enlist everyone to help.

    Life is too short to dream little, small, un-happy and insignificant dreams (plus they never inspire anyone). Dream BIG like Bennie. He was a great dreamer, writer, scientist, ambassador...I love Benjamin Franklin). A woman and a man should spend their lives pursuing their passion. Have you found yours? And if this is it I'll be reading about you someday telling your story to the world. Go for it!

    This is my best answer and truthfully yours...Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    C-reating P-owerful E-xploits

  • Posted on Accepted

    Limited resources is a problem for your friend, so he needs a sponsor like the big names Pfizer or others.
    If you your body keep track records of patients and it is approved by local authorities, i believe would not be very big problem but for your friend to keep his rights he needs to PATENT the medicine. there is only one country in this world which protects PATENT USA so yourself or your friend needs to pack up and head there or as others said have an Indian Doctors who works in the USA and check out them how they can help you for a certain compensation
    For your side local agreemnet between your self and the optician approved by local authroities and check out if you can approve it the US embassy in India should be a guarantee. and i suggest you work it out as percent per year from sales if you would like long term benefits or you can have a certain lump sum on your efforts

    good luck

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted

    I applaud your desire to find a way to market this remarkable cure, but I feel obliged to tell you that there are dozens -- maybe even hundreds -- of "cures" for various maladies that never make it to market because the marketing challenges (and the regulatory approval processes) are just too daunting and expensive to justify the investment of time and money.

    It's my sense that this is one of them.

    I've been involved personally in at least 5 or 6 of these kinds of projects, and they have all gone by the wayside for the same basic reason: the cost of getting them to market is greater than the likely reward. Some are medical devices or diagnostic tools, some are nutritional supplements, some are procedures or behavioral practices. They all had strong "stories" and valuable benefits.

    But they all had a controlling problem: the cost to get them to market was more than the system could bear and still make good economic sense.

    This doesn't mean you should just walk away from this. What it means is that if the idea is going to be broadly disseminated, it's going to take more than a quick and easy marketing effort. It's going to take patience, deep pockets and business and marketing plans that are based on deep-seated experience in the health care and/or nutricutical industry.

    And it may not result in much profit for the inventor. The marketing and business components are far more costly (and higher risk) than coming up with the cure.

    I certainly wish you luck in this. I'm just trying to help you set realistic expectations. I feel like I've been there and done that before, and I know how this movie ends.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Agree with all the foregoing comments.

    Seems to me that to be able to market this herbal "cure" and eye exercise therapy, you need to have some proper clinical trials to prove it works. Exercise, Exercise plus herbal therapy, herbal therapy alone, and double blind on the herbal therapy tests.

    Plus, if this stuff really works, you need proper intellectual property registration and protection, unless you want to be emulated by the first drug company that analyses what's in the herbal compound.

    If you don't do the clinical tests, then any marketing will be based only on puffery, quackery, snake-oil claims...

    I feel you have a way to go on this. And lots of expense to get the trials done.

    Alternatively you could simply approach one of the major pharma cos and ask them if they are interested in developing this with you.

    Hope this helps.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Clever approach by norquest. Sell the knowledge, not the product.

    Of course even that has its challenges. How would you get people to visit the website to even be aware that the knowledge/benefit is available?

    Our medical/healthcare system is geared to saving or prolonging lives, not so much to improving the quality of life. It's going to be very difficult to get a large pharma interested in this ... not much payback for the required investment. It doesn't fit the model.

    Very good approach by norquest. Sell the knowledge.
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    Why not partner up with an alternate medical chain? Old Fashion Foods is always on the lookout for new and innovative products. Perhaps, in exchange for a share of the company, they could help bring you to market, and jump through all the government hoops.

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