
Topic: Student Questions

Feedback On Dissertation Aim Needed--important

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Below is my research aim for my upcoming MSc Marketing dissertation . I want to discuss professional sports events from a services marketing perspective and ultimately determine the main elements that determine service quality. I would really appreciate any feedback...

Research Aim:
The effect of team success on service quality at professional sports events: Does a championship calibre team provide a higher level of service to spectators than a lower quality team?
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  • Posted by bobhogg on Accepted

    Your suggestion seems to me to potentially have a basic flaw as a marketing dissertation. Is "team success" a factor that can be controlled in the marketing plan - if not, then its contribution to service quality cannot be controlled in that plan!

    The obvious framework for your dissertation would be a model such as the ServQual model - can you relate the "process" elements of that model to the team strategy the coach sets out and the "delivery" aspects of that model to the on-field performance of the team? If you think that you can, then there might just be a chance of you achieving the aim of your dissertation; if not, you might need to take another approach.

    I'll be interested to hear your feedback.

    Good luck,
  • Posted by bobhogg on Member

    Like you say, this is an intriguing approach - I like your initial arguments! One thought - what does good performance on the field by one team do to the customer satisfaction of the opposing fans?!


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