
Topic: E-Marketing

Eliminate Dormant Email Leads

Posted by james on 250 Points
Hi all,

We have run some email lists for at least 5 years. As a result of this, many of the emails on the lists are not really 'opt-in'.
Basically I'm required to send an email to all old emails, requesting them to opt in. Those who won't response will be deleted from the lists.

What's the best way to do this?

Many thanks in advance!
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  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    This must be a requirement of your company. Though opt-in (actually double opt-in is better) is the best way to do a campaign, this is not a legal requirement.

    I would suggest that your e-mail ask several questions:

    1) Have you found our e-mails helpful in the past
    2) Do you ever forward e-mails you've received from us
    3) How often would you like to hear from us (NOT do you want to hear from us...that's bad sales technique)

    You've a better chance of getting responses if you're asking opinions. People love giving their opinion

  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Accepted

    If your email list is growing, this problem is not as bad as it seems.

    I agree with Michael, double opt-in should be a requirement for your company so you don't have to go through this again.

    I would focus the special email message towards 'improvements' your company is making. Possibly tie the message to another future enhancement or benefit as a form of hitch.

    I would also make it clear that:

    1) Action is required to continue receiving your emails
    2) Lack of response to this email will imply removal from your email list.

    A survey approach was also mentioned above, I don't know you list or sector well enough to know if they are survey saturated or not. It might work.

    Hope that helps,
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    Nice to see someone who is looking at their list objectively! Just because someone signed up on a list, it does not mean they are interested in what we send them. On another blog, I made a reference about the message is the medium, and 'Relevance' judged by customers combined with 'action/reaction' is the better measurement of a list. Kudos to you for taking a proactive stance to trim your list.

    Definitely poll your subscribers. Drop the ones who don't respond. I would use an email tracking device, and dump those who have not opened three emails in a row (your message is most likely being filtered out anyway).

    Good luck cleaning up the list, and once again, nice to see someone take a proactive stance!

    Darcy Moen
  • Posted by james on Author
    thanks a lot guys..
    can you also suggest a subject line or subject lines for the email I'm going to send? i really wanna a high open rate..

  • Posted by sammykarij on Member
    I believe what has already been said is sufficient but take note of the following :
    1. Some people who would want to be in your list will procrastinate and forget to opt in.
    2. When you offer a value to opt in some will opt in for that value and will not be interested after that if your emails have been of little value to them.

    So tie you trimming with added value in your emails. Also create some sense of urgency in the opt in promotion .

    Remember to always allow people to opt out of your mailing list automatically.


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