
Topic: E-Marketing

Mailing/e-mail Which To Reach Real Estate Agents?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Our company is a wholesale manufacturer of foundry products. We are looking to sell to the retail market with a Trade Discount off retail. Our proposed targets are Real Estate Agents, Builders, Interior Designers. Our products could be used as closing gifts or as part of the actual building or design project. I'm unsure if my best way to reach potential clients is through e-mail or postcard. I feel that Designers we could target with e-mails effectively but builders & Realtors it might be harder to get to the right person. What would you suggest?
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  • Posted on Member
    I would also recommend postcards with your personalized message as well. Oversized postcards are more visible and less likely to be missed.

    Calling before you send your information is always helpful. Repore is established and the anticipation for your information is generated.

    To Our Success!
    Bonita Schrader
    "Building Personal & Professional Relationships"
  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Accepted

    Good insights above. I would also lean towards mailing a packet or postcard. I personally don't think email is that great for interruption marketing, much stronger for retention marketing.

    If you find you can't break the trust barrier, I would suggest the following as well:
    a) Event Marketing - most of the organizations you mentioned go to seminars, etc.
    b) Newsletter Ads - Each group mentioned has organizations they belong to which send out newsletters. You may be able to purchase tower/banner/text ads within.

    Hope that helps,
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all, the insights you have provided will be a great help in determining which way to go. I feel much more confident now saying I'm against e-mailing as our 1 st approach.

    Kathleen, I felt your insight on forums & newsletters will be an excellent approach.
  • Posted on Member
    Why not both? E-mailing is virtually free, and follow up with a postcard in case they didn't open the e-mail.

    My realtor lists include both e-mail and postal address.

    Please see my website at for lists of real estate agents by state. It has e-mail and postal mail addresses for real estate agents that are harvested from the state associations. Very inexpensive.

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