
Topic: E-Marketing

Attn Open-rate Junkies: Techie Question About Preview Pane

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi there,

For my email marketing campaign, I'm trying to get a sense of the open rate based on the number of times an image at the bottom of my message is downloaded from the server.

I understand that a few seconds in MS Outlook's preview pane is enough to download my message. What I'm wondering is -- does the preview pane download all images right away, or only when the user scrolls down to each image?

(am I being too geeky for this forum??)

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide,
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    It opens them right away ONLY if selected.

    New features in Outlook 2003 allow some users to set parameters on downloading images, but they have to use certain server-side platforms in conjunction with Outlook in order to make it happen.

    Typical Outlook users can set an open rate TIME. In other words, how long it takes for the message to be officially "open" after selecting it. Most are set a just a few seconds.

    Once the email is open in the preview pane, it is counted as "opened" and all images are downloaded regardless of scrolling.

    The only other exception to image downloading is if someone sets their email to receive text-only. Then, the images are set as attachments and have to be manually opened (and rarely are due to potential virus, worms, etc.).

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi Jim,

    To add: As Jett explained, the images will open but if you are looking for an actual "click-through" to register for that image (that image is a link) that won't happen unless they click on it.

    Also, text only won't register as an open so a true open rate is always inaccurate because you really have no way of knowing how people have their email program set to read - html or text.

    I hope that helps.

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