
Topic: Student Questions

Student Requiring Help With A Project Title

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am currently on work experiance at an nightclub doing the pr and advertisting. i need to do a 5000word essay on researching the company. Any ideas on a project title????
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    The SocioFinancial Ramifications of Rock-n-Roll...
    I like flashy titles... but, a word of advice...
    I always try to play to my market, in this case it would be the person grading your project. If they are conservative, I would use something very stodgie, if they are daring I would use something flashy...

    stodgie --- The Marketing Research Segment of Entertainment
    flashy - see above..

    good luck...
  • Posted on Accepted
    hi leannefoy,
    maybe you would like to have a pre-research about the pr and advertising?

    maybe you can ask the visitor about the pr and the ad.
    from there you can get a good clue abt what you want to write about.

    or you can start from your favorite section in pr and advertising and look for the applicatin in your club...

  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    How about:
    “How to work in a nightclub and still be able to write an essay”

    Or if it’s a really violent one (Like I used to go to in Stirling) “How to work in a Nightclub and still be able to write”

    If you want a title which is a little more academic, try: “The marketing of illegal substances in the nightclub environment” and if you succeed in finishing the research and publishing it:

    ”Methods of survival for people who write essays about what really goes on in a nightclub”

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions

  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Accepted

    How about:

    "Nightclub PR Opportunities"

    Then do a case study on the club in question showing pro/con of current efforts and make suggested improvements.

    Hope that helps,
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    It seems to me the more focused your research is, the higher quality your research can be.

    Does the paper have to be on the nightclub itself? The nightclub probably has a limited marketing budget - but they are a "channel of distribution" for both music (do they have to keep a record of songs they play and kick back a percentage, similar to radio) as well as to drinks (alcoholic and not) and possibly bands. You could do an an analysis of the effectiveness of vendor programs to create demand from the perspective of the club - and this might translate well to real-life work in setting up and optimizing channels of distribution.

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