
Topic: E-Marketing

"best" Way To Display A Url

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Hello everyone,

I recently learned from a MarketingProf's webinar that you can dilute your page rank if you have people visiting your site via AND

What's the word out there as to the accepted way to display a URL? With or without the "WWW"? We've all seen it done both ways but does anyone have any info as to a MORE accepted way?
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  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Accepted

    We try to use www as much as possible. When allowed we capitalize the words or phrases in the url to help the brain build a logical bridge: vs

    In some situations when helping the clients with print campaigns and space is a concern we will do without the www and point to a landing page that redirects them to the actual page on the site. This give us more flexibility to create domain names that help build that name recognition bridge in the brain. Keep in mind, these landing pages / print promotion pages are not submitted to search engines and do not have natural navigation to the page either.

    Hope that helps,

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