
Topic: Student Questions

Concept Of Production And Operations Management

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi i would like to post five questions to the above stated question tittle regarding the productions department of any type of company. Therefore, i would like first to know the name of thecompany and the type of products they produce hence, i would like to know:

1. The concept of Productions and Operations Management as being used in that particular organization?
2. The scope of Productions and Operations Management as being practiced in that particular organization?
3.Product design and developement for that particular industry?
4. Production system and layout stuctures as being used in that particular organization?
5. Production strategies of the organization?

I would use the information for accademic purposes only and your feedbacks would be of great importance to me. Thanks in advance
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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    the way this works for students is you are supposed to provide what you believe are the answers to the above question.

    Come on take your best shot at these and then all of our other marketing professionals will pitch in and guide you towards your answer. Our job is to GUIDE YOU, not GIVE YOU the answers.

    In other words if we give you the answers you learn nothing. If we guide you toward the answers you provide your brain with the necessary exercise it needs in order to keep it functioning properly and eventually YOU WIN because you get smarter and you learn how to research out your own answers. Now that's a good thing for you. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

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