
Topic: E-Marketing

How Do I Track Emails?

Posted by Lorenz Lammens on 250 Points
I want to know who opened our emails, when, and what they did with it (e.g. forward, print, click through). Tried a couple of services (e.g. dotmailer, constant contact, etc.) but none of them gave accurate results during our testing.
Anybody know of a good service?
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  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Accepted

    I am very surprised that Constant Contact did not prove accurate. We recommend this tool exclusively with our smaller clients. If you wouldn't mind sending me an email with your findings, I would appreciate it.

    As for some accuracy issues, my advice to my clients usually is something like this: You work with what you are given.

    Between SPAM filters and personal settings on the recipient's machine, you should focus your campaign adjustments on the measurements you can receive.

    Another service you may want to look at is Campaign Monitor.

    Hope that helps.
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    Vevo...I didn't know you were in on Baggot's ET wrinkle on my brain!

    With all the advances in Privacy Filters, email clients (Office 2003 blocks the old one pixel trick now) and end user settings, this tracking is becoming more trouble than it's worth.

    I've used pretty much every tool on the market, and find nothing beats good old good content, a relevant message, a customer who wants the product or service...or knows someone who does. All this micromanaging of information is simply an exercise in mental mastrabation. T

    he only real measurment that counts is, did the recipeint do what was asked? That said, I'd rather design a decent landing page and track hit on it verses number of messages sent (use a link tracker or Mint Server Stats), and cross reference by number or orders (if you are selling).

    But then again, I'm a zigger when every one is zagging.

    For what it's worth...

    Darcy Moen
    URL deleted by editor
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    What do you send your emails out from?

    We do all of our email campaigns in-house using Maximizer Enterprise.

    This has the following advantages:

    • It holds all the email addresses and the contact details
    • It can personalise each email separately, depending on info in the CRM system.
    • It does it in HTML and the parameters of the email campaign are logged as an email marketing campaign.
    • It handles bounced back emails via KnowledgeSync, either for deletion or for updating.
    • It produces code in an email to automatically process and assign a response as a lead.
    • It produces a tracking pixel which will monitor opening and click through
    • It has been known to make the tea and the coffee
    • It works through your own SMPT server, so as long as you merge variable content, such as name and address to create a pseudo-letter format, it will not be picked up as junk mail.
    • Frequent use has re-enforced the survey results by Exact Target ( that small, focussed batches of emails have the highest open rate (46%) and the highest click through rate (34%)

    A further advantage is the cost - £350 for a licence

    I hope that this woefully biased opinion will be of some assistance, even if it is to put your off!


    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions

  • Posted by james on Accepted
    i have been using for a long time. I think their Campaign Enterprise might be what you're after.

  • Posted by Lorenz Lammens on Author
    Campaign monitor proved to be the right answer. We tested it and it proved to be very reliable. Unfortunately 2 weeks was not enough for us to confirm which answers were correct or not, as we are dealing with a hectic schedule. The points should have gone to ROIHUNTER. Thanks.
  • Posted on Member
    Click here for tutorial videos and more information on <a href=''>Bulk Email Marketing</a>.

    Create, send and track all bulk emails. Save time wit GraphicMail, automate and even send targeted SMS campaigns. Choose free HTML newsletter templates for all marketing needs.

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