
Topic: Student Questions

The Marketing Game!

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points

I was wondering if anyone out there played The Marketing Game! (TMG) by Charlotte H. Mason & William D.Perreault, Jr?

I'll be playing it soon as part of my assessment in my unit. Apart from just reading the handbook, I hope to get some valuable feedback from anyone who had experience with it.

Thanks in advance.
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    Hi Benny,

    How are you?

    I will also be having this game for an assesment next semester. There was a question about it a few weeks ago (i think) so check the archives.

    No points please

  • Posted on Author
    Hi Carl,

    Thanks for the tip-off but do you by any chance remember the title of the question? And it's in the Student questions section right? (I'm still looking for it..)

    Anyway, I'll be playing Level 2 (it won't make any sense to you yet and i bet you'll be doing level 3- the last level) but I'll be more than happy if you email me about the game after I played it.

  • Posted on Author
    Hi all,

    I'll just go through with a brief detail of the game, then my pending decisions and some dispute within my team.

    The game simulates an industry selling voice recognition device (VRD). Every decision (weekly) will represent yearly marketing decisions. The industry is in growth stage and the barriers of entry is high. Technically, I'll just be competing with 3 other groups staring with equal resources who will cause dynamic changes in the industry throughout the game.

    With a tight budget, I control:
    1) changes in the attribute of product (R&D)
    2) Promotion - type of advertising and amount
    3) Channel intensity - a) full service dealers b) Discount dealers
    4) Personally selling - sales force & their commission
    5) setting the price
    6) setting the quantity
    7) Buying of marketing reports

    I got my team to perform a detail segmentation of the market and we decided to go for differentiation strategy.

    We are going to target the market that demand high attributes, pump in the R&D and intensify the channel they buy from. Since its growth, it means establishing a brand - we will also do heavy promotion. On top of that we will try to cater to gain a little sales from the other markets.

    The problem is if the 3 groups also decide on differentiation. (Which i would know after the first decision is submitted and receiving the marketing reports on the actions of the other groups for the 2nd decision)

    1) The low cost segment is totally untapped.
    2) My target market is saturated thus making min profits or even having a loss
    3) Switching costs will be high.

    Should I jump straight into the untapped market to try to get make recovery? What are the criteria for me to consider a switch (If I'm not the leader in the pack?)

    One silly question is, do you think is it easier to perform differentiation strategy on a target market that fits the strategy or to perform cost leadership strategy on another target market that fits the strategy.

    You don't have to answer all the questions, all views are welcomed.

  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    I have been looking for the post I mentioned, but cant find it.

    Anyway the next time you don't get a decent response just email the moderator and ask for a point refund.

    If you are allowed to go and talk with the people you are competing against.

    Personnal I would target goverment and look into applications for the blind that could use your VRT.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    whoops lets try again, I got distracted:

    I have been looking for the post I mentioned, but cant find it.

    Anyway the next time you don't get a decent response just email the moderator and ask for a point refund.

    If you are allowed to go and talk with the people you are competing against why not go have a chat and try to get into there heads, buy them a beer get them drunk and squeeze the info out of them.

    Personally I would target government and look into applications for the blind that could use your VRT.
  • Posted on Member
    May I know the situation of round 2 & 3 for this TMG game? Now my team is going into round 2 and just wonder if we should maintain the manager share by developing the features to 15,6,8
  • Posted on Member

    I was wondering if anyone out there played The Marketing Game! (TMG) by Charlotte H. Mason & William D.Perreault, Jr?

    I am currently playing it as part of my assessment in a Marketing Management class . Apart from just reading the handbook, I hope to get some valuable feedback from anyone who had experience with it.

    Thanks in advance.

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