
Topic: Student Questions

Marketing Model

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Dear sirs,
Please, I need your support on how to build a marketing model for a non for profit organization in details. Thank you very much.
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    First, let me ask you if this is a student project? Second, could you be more specific with your needs? For a "marketing model," do you mean you want an organizational model or a process model? If you are asking about a process model, the process for marketing a non-profit is no different than a for-profit organization. So, what part of that do you need help with?

  • Posted on Author
    First, I'd like to thank you for our response.
    Second, this is a student project, and I'm asking about the organizational marketing model for a non for profit organizations.
    Best regards & thank you.
    Sameh Salah.
  • Posted by wnelson on Member

    The forum has a special category for student questions. Please use that category. Additionally, please read the Important Guidelines In particular, read #5.

    The brevity of your question suggests you are asking us to do your homework for you. You must first do a little research on your own. Go to the library and research non-profit organizations like The United Way and others. Then, if there are points on which you are confused, ask a more specific question.

  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    In the US, not for profit firms receive money from a variety of sources. They may work from Government grants, corporate donations, endowments from wealthy individuals, subscriptions or due from members, and so forth. It we assume your "marketing model" is addressing the "top line" issue, e.g. increasing revenue then I would say you need to look carefully at a specific non-profit and their current and potential revenue streams, rather than a "one size fits all" approach.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Similar questions have been asked before. You may want to take a look at:

    Of large importance is defining your customers. Usually you need to market towards the people who provide the money that keep the non-profit going. These are usually different people than the ones who benefit from your non-profit's services.
  • Posted on Author
    Dear sirs,
    Ireally appreciate all your replies & contributions. Many thanks to all of you. Your comments helped me to a great extent.
    Best regards,
    Sameh Salah.

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