
Topic: Student Questions

Need Swot For Kfc And A&w All-american Restaurants

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
In addition to needing a SWOT analysis for KFC and A&W All-American Restaurants (divisions of YUM! Brands), I am also looking for information on customer profiles/characteristics for each of these divisions. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    You might look at the following website:

    They are just lying around!

    Seriously, please read the Important Guidelines section and in particular #5.

    I would suspect your professor asked you to develop a SWOT and important customer profiles/characteristics for each of these divisions of YUM, not go on the web and find them or ask a bunch of marketing professionals to develop them for you...well, unless your course is Marketing 772 - Delegation Techniques for Chief Marketing Officers - in which case I want to talk to you about a raise, boss.

    How about you go dig for some data and analyze it and then come back with your conclusions or questions and we'd be glad to comment on that. OK?

  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    Go here to get a SWOT template:

    Also take a visit to:

    And remember that this forum is visited by A LOT of professors.

  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    I applaud your efforts with respect to subscribing to Hoover's to find some information. Companies aren't going to post proprietary and confidential strategic material on the web. As you realize, SWOT is just that. Some writers may prublish their guesses if they feel there are news worthy topics. But, I believe what your professor may be asking you to do is, as I said above, develop the SWOT. And I will be glad to share professional direction on how to dervice a SWOT. To develop a SWOT, I first put myself in the place of the company I am studying - as if I am the CEO and tryng to set a strategic direction. I look first at the company's annual reports, website, press releases, and all press written about them, as well as any books in the library that may have information about them. I infer areas of strengths and weaknesses from this. foxfile's link to the SWOT template has some great hints on areas to look for for each. And then, turning my attention to external, I look at the marketplace for threats and opportunities. Again, foxfile's link to the SWOT template has some great hints. In my research, Icharacterize the customer demographics. This helps me to identify opportunities and threats. I do this by looking at the ads the company publishes and also any press they have released. I look for what words and images are they using and infer who would be affected by these. KFC had a big ad campaign recently that included a reference to NASCAR - who would be targeted by that? Predominantly male, middle class, 30 to 50, etc, etc, etc. I look at why KFC would target this group and if any other competitors also target this group...for instance, Swanson's Hungry Man dinners. So this could be a threat. It also could be an opportunity - how about if KFC (aka YUM!) teamed with Swanson and came out with the Swanson's KFC Fried Chicken Hungry Man's dinner? Or what if YUM! bought Swanson's?

    And by all means, please go to your professor for guidance on this and any other assignments. That's the best source of help. We can only infer the intent of the assignment from fairly brief questions. He is the guy who knows exactly what he wants.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    You are quite welcome. Glad to provide this kind of direction at any time. Good luck with your assignment.


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