
Topic: E-Marketing

Customer Tracking For Email Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We use a program called Aestiva Broadcast to handle our e-marketing campaigns. There is a tracking code that can be added to the e-mails that we send with it, but all they do is track whether or not someone clicks through to our website. What we need to know is what customer clicked through, where he/she went to on our page, how long she stayed, etc. I know there are codes that can be added to e-letters that can track this, I am just wondering if it's possible to use with the Aestiva Broadcast program. An example of the code would be this: "" which is used with an affiliates e-letter campaign.
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted

    Most ASP/ESPs provide tracking that includes opens, bounces (and why) spams, and clickthroughs, basically everything you want done except how long they stayed on your website and where they went from there because typically this a function of your web side server stats. (that's another question/answer).

    You can see a comprehensive list put together by Marketing Profs here:

    If you can get in the Google Analytics beta group, that would solve all your problems - Good luck, don't hold your breath on that one.
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    Why not use the established tracking service to send the click through to a landing page?

    I assume you can set the page URL you want the link to point too...then its a simple matter to use your server stats to see how many times the page has been hit.

    Your server stats should also be able to record sessions (the pages that the visitor went to after hitting your landing page). If you don;t have such, you may want to look into buying a copy of Mint Server Stats (currently caosts 30 dollars US), and adding the 'trends' and 'sessions' pepper to Mint. This system really rocks...I love it.I can do all the server tracking I need with it.The other option is downloading and installing click tracker. Its a CGI script that is free, goo a google search for ClickTracker.

    Hope this helps.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network

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