
Topic: Student Questions

Assigment: Create A Marketing Campaing To Get More People To Work In Trades

Posted by Carl Crawford on 125 Points
For my project i was given some data of the number of trades people in each trade. when i analyzed it i found that the number of people in the selected trades was decreasing. my assignment is to create a marketing campaign to attract new/or oversea workers in to the industries to get the number of trades people in each industry to a certain level.

i was hoping that someone could provide me with some ideas that i could use or past example of campaigns used in other countries or countries which have an overflow of one or more of the trades.

Any ideas of how I could get women involved and more young people would be good.

Some things that I have already come up with are things like increasing government help for small business, relaxing immigration for the people how can do the jobs and agree to stay in the industry for a fixed amount of time when they enter New Zealand

Also I would like website or promotional materials for past/present campaigns.

Please reply asap because my project is due in 10 days. It may seem like a lot of time but I want to do a good job of it.
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Author
    please ingore this question. i pushed the post message to early. thier is a better worded question under the same title.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Author
    thanks for everyones help. i got an A+ for my project. the tutor said that it was one of the best reports she has seen in a long time.

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