
Topic: Career/Training

Whether It's Possible To Get A Marketing Job In Ny

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points

I'm a Chinese girl from Hong Kong.. still studying in the final semester of my commerce bachelor degree (major in Management and double major in Marketing) at the University of Sydney. On this coming December, i'll get married with my fiancee who's an American-Chinese. Therefore, i probably stay in New York City for the rest of my life. I'm now struggling about my qualification in seeking a marketing job in NY, as my Uni transcript is from Australia.. and i just got 1yr part-time experience in Telemarketing from a marketing firm here in Sydney.
I actually know someone who's working at the Bank of New York. She'd give me some helps in getting a job over there. But i'm not sure whether i can get a job which is related to my field of study. Now, i'd like to ask some questions:

1) Would it be hard to get a job with a non-American degree? (Australian degree just required for 3yrs)

2) Would it be easier to get a marketing job by the banking experience?

3) Apart from the compulsory commerce subjects, I did a lot of subjects in Marketing. including: Marketing Principles, Consumer Behaviour, Market Research 1 & 2 (SPSS), Service Marketing, International Marketing, Marketing Communication, Advertising Creative Principles, Brand Management.
Is there any advantages that i can get from them?

Thanks a ton!
Wish all of you ALL THE BEST~
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  • Posted on Accepted
    I think that relocating is nowadays not such a big deal anymore and that you, when you are in the states need to go to the right agencies and get yourself on the job market.
    A good CV and your credentials help a lot and any degree from wherever always has a value, BUT, what has more value is how you present yourself and how confident you are in your job search and when you meet people for interviews etc.
    So what I suggest is you do some work on yourself to get yourself ready for the big jump forwards and once you have established your strengths and weaknesses, work on those in order to be confident when you attack the Big Apple.
    Good Luck,
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    Getting a job 60% of the time or more is by networking - knowing someone who knows someone who knows of a position. This is especially necessary for someone coming into the United States. You need to have a sponsor and a working permit. It costs a company big bucks to sponsor someone. Unless you find just the right job that requires Chinese speaking people, applying for posted jobs is going to be difficult. And with little or no work experience, this makes your task much harder too.

    I suggest you take a look at what your friend has to offer you within the bank and see if it fits your desires. Also, I suggest you look at New York based companies operating in China. Maybe you can get a job there and work your way into a transfer to NYC.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    The first challenge most people have in getting a job in the States is getting a Visa. It sounds like you may be allowed to work in the States because of your marriage to an American citizen, but definitely make sure this is so. For most people I have seen, getting the Visa is much harder than getting a job. If a company really wants to hire you (you have special skills, etc.), they can get the Visa for you, but for someone just out of school, that is not likely to happen. So make sure you have the Visa.

    Once you have a Visa that allows you to work in the States, I don't think you will have any more difficult time at finding a job than someone who graduated from an American university. Being multilingual and having international experience should help you in the long run.

    But as said above, networking is important. You may not be successful at finding a position until you arrive in the US and can start meeting people.

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