
Topic: E-Marketing

Affiliate Program Set-up Dilemma.

Posted by Anonymous on 300 Points
We are about to offer an affiliate program to anyone who will want to sign up.

Now ... we have a choice of either managing our own program and thus receiving the benefit of relevant sites linking to us (SEO), or we can chose to go with LinkShare or and benefit from their network.

If you're running an affiliate program, please share what company you use. Some feedback on anything that you think will help us.

I heard that affiliates DO NOT like the idea of "clean" links and they prefer us using services such as LinkShare. True?

Any feedback will definitely help. Thank you.

P.S. There are also cheap software programs to manage affiliate program ... again, no network. Your take...?
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    I have always suggested and used Trade Doubler, I have found their account management simply amazing. They really want their advertisers to get the most out of the network.

    There has been some really successful in-house affiliate programs, but it has to be something that you are committed to running, because affiliates really know their stuff and do not like to be messed about.

    Checkout Screen Select who really know their affiliate marketing and offer three programs, one through TD and the other two are in-house.

    Good Luck
  • Posted by Mark on Accepted
    (I write this as a long-time affiliate, not as a merchant)

    Most affiliates are skeptical of any program that has yet to establish a track record. Which is why many will prefer that you go through one of the networks, as this offers some extra security/familiarity.

    Speaking from the affiliate side, it's the program itself that's critical, rather than the system you use (assuming you use a recognised network or software).

    Commission levels, cookie durations, incentives, resources provided (datafeeds, linking tools, banners and other graphics) etc. are what count more, and particularly commitment to the program and to the affiliates.

    For the latter point that means proactive communication, rewards for better performers and so on.

    The affiliates who are likely to bring in the bulk of your sales are pretty smart at sniffing out programs designed to exploit the affiliate relationship rather than develop a genuine partnership. Which is why they don't like direct links which are more about SEO benefits for the merchant. A lot of top affiliates use link redirection scripts anyway to monitor clickthroughs.

    A good place to get a feel for the affiliate's way of thinking is
  • Posted on Accepted
    Another issue is that many affiliates post links on their site(s) to market many different products. Their income depends on total sales of all products. Linkshare and CJ add those sales together (conveniently) so that the affiliate does not have to wait long periods of time to get paid by individual sites after crossing their individual payment thresholds.

    It really depends on your product, the comission structure and how well it sells to determine if it will attract affiliates. Plus, add the concerns mentioned by Mark.

    I would suggest starting with an established affiliate directory. After you have built a list of affiliates suffiently large, you can switch to a program you manage.

    Both linkshare and cj allow vendors to contact affiliates to announce various offers. Your last offer could be to switch to your own affiliate program.
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    I think Marks comments about affiliates being skeptical is true, which is why its important to go for an account managed solution from whatever network you go through.

    Your account manager SHOULD do a lot of the relationship stuff with the big affiliates. These affiliates do tend to take these recommendations seriously, as they know that the account managers are just after a win/win between merchant and affiliate.

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