
Topic: E-Marketing

Increase Subscribers And Visibility Of Iptv Site

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi Everyone,

I co-own and operate a streaming-media website which will soon be starting an IPTV service. The basic premise (and USP ) of this new service/product is that the average subscriber will be able to watch HDTV quality TV from 100,000 channels from 200 different countries, and they can do this through a set-top-box we provide, home PC, PSP, and their mobile device. I know it may sound "too good to be true" but I've been working with some big hitting companies over the past few months and it is a reality that will soon be realised.

Anyways, my problem is that I need market this effectively because there's a lot of competition out there and there's basically a new IPTV company starting up every week. So how do I compete and raise the profile of my website? Our ultimate goal is simply to get as many subscribers as possible - everything else like the QoS etc I know we've got covered.

The site is [inactive link removed]

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    I would definately recommend SEO and PPC (Google, Yahoo and MSN). Look for Online partners that can support your message.

    Try an affiliate network, I personally like TradeDoubler, but shop around and find a network that understands your business and is able to help you reach the right affiliates.

    Look into banner ads for 'geeky' sites (email portals etc).

    I hate to suggest it, but try a service that provides pop unders, they drive people mad, but are VERy effective for getting your message out online.

    PR - get the message out around specialist press.

    Advertising - if the budget strecthes to it, look at advertising in the specialist press. If you go down this route, let the publisher know that in return for ads (and more in the future) you want a free editorial. This often works in getting more of your name in print.

    Partners - look for offline partners that can sell your message.

    Good Luck

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