
Topic: E-Marketing

Different Lingerie Ideas Please

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Here is my dilema, I have set up my business on the internet but I am based in Edinburgh Scotland. Since recent visits to Spain, I was taken with the colours and styles of ladies lingerie. Here in the UK and most of western europe, women struggle with their choice of unique and liberating underware believe it or not! I searched the world for manufacturers who could offer me a great product that I could market and sell worldwide. I founmd that product in Poland. I have built an initial website that I will evolve as time goes on.
Here is my dilema....
What would you suggest as a good way of getting people to look at our products. I'm not sure that it would only be women who buy lingerie as statistics prove that many retailers receive orders over 60% from men. Any ideas,
Thankyou Graham Dryburgh [inactive link removed]

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Football Fanzines and fansites are usually are begging for ads, well read by gents. Even a boutique stall or cart or Van at matches as advertised in the above .... for the ladies to checkout your product as most are usually not as interested as men in the match and hands on works wonders for lingerie sales...pun intended!

    Sponsor some part of a team uniform, match, mascot or halftime event during a highprofile event or cup. Include some coupons or discounts for match tickets returned to your storefront if you go that route!

    Some additional ideas may be found here ....
  • Posted by easyE on Member
    Find an upscale boutique to sell a few items in your line and do a fashion show. Organize your own show or get in with others. You could always find someone to go out and do in-home lingerie parties - Get in with bridal shops. The best advertising is word of mouth. Have your website attached with your signature on every email you send out - Use an image with your signature! I don't know how far you want to take this - But a very good idea would be to find the upscale Swing Clubs and try to organize something with them - There are some outstanding clubs in Europe. Find people who frequent the clubs and ask them to 'Sport Your Lines' - give them free items in exchange for them to hand out cards directing them to your site. Even the 'Clothing Optional' resorts would be a good place to market to. Make a page on your web site for 'swing wear' and make sure you have meta tags so people will find you. Try to place a link form the swinger/swapper sites to your site - You might be surprised on how may hits you will start to get. It's hard to find really nice under ware (even here in the US) that is classy and not trashy. WOW the possibilities are endless. I already book marked your site - Good luck!
  • Posted by easyE on Member
    One last idea - Take your product to eBay - Start up a store with a link your site. I have seen a lot of people do that while keeping their 'more in-demand' items left on their home site for sale. Use it as bait! That would be another way to drive traffic to your site at a relativity small cost to yourself.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi all, easyE and Novahammer, many thanks for your contributions. The football match thing is not really an avenue that I would take however, that idea did take me down a similar train of thought. The la senza link is a good idea i.e. look at other retailers, however La Senza doesnt have too good a reputation here on the quality front. EasyE and myself must be on the same wavelength, purely because I have just approached several voyeur style websites, where people post themselves in the altogether!, but these people are proud to be seen and show off their bodies in and out of lingerie. I am looking to do a sponsorship deal whereby i sponsor a big traffic site, they publicise us and in return they'll receive a comission of goods sold. Some of the sites have many thousands of visitors every day. Thankyou all for your help. I would be interested to hear more from Elaine on what she thinks of my lingerie. Feedback is always valuable. I will investigate some swinging sites as she suggests. What a horrible task!! hehe. Graham

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