
Topic: E-Marketing

Need Ideas For Launch A Niche Online Marketing/com

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points

We asked for help on this project about 2 years ago. Several things have changed, along the way and we believe our concept has come of age. Over the last 3 months I have presented the concept at several Internet Marketing Conferences and will again this weekend in Orlando. The response has been outstanding because we have loaded it with benefits for everyone involved. The current version has a scrolling message board built in that delivers a wide variety of content that can include audio, video, Podcasts and much more. It is interactive, can have the exclusivity of membership, and is simple to implement and maintain.

Our challenge; we are a small company that has developed what we think is a great product and we are struggling with the best way to move forward quickly. We believe our product solves many of the problems surrounding online marketing, spam, and email filters and has built into it great list building tools for optin lists.

The product is easy to implement, non-intrusive; permission based and delivers fresh content whenever the end user wants it. We believe the concept has great possibilities as a viral marketing tool that connects the giver with the user for the life of a computer (it is built around the framework of an online calendar/planner. We have 4 private label versions installed and the response has been fantastic (one has over 2,000 installations and not one customer support call). In addition we are finding that the application is staying open on the desktop and average of 12 minutes/day. We also know that users are looking at the entire scrolling message board because the last frame, which we have set up as news has as many hits as all the other, combined. We have an installation we developed for the Promotional products industry that people are also raving about.

We have developed a module for the Promotional products industry and it currently has about 400 happy users.

Some other concerns away from the Internet marketing arena seem to be:
· The fact that it is a relatively new concept and there is concern about ongoing performance.
· Because it will be distributed to the everyday person who may have little or no computer operating experience technical support may be higher than normal.
· How do we know people will load it on to their computer
· How can we get them to use it frequently
· The product is modular and extremely flexible and this can be overwhelming and give the impression of being complicated.

The following is a link to show the delivery system we have developed. It incorporates the data collection, double opt in, list segmentation as well as delivery. This concept can be customized to any niche or private label version.
[inactive link removed]

Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance,
Bob Lazor

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    I like the concept a great deal, and I like the delivery system too.

    I think the website needs to look a little more professional, and you need to provide a better explaination of the benefits of the system. At the moment it looks like your trying to see an ebook rather than a personalised content delivery system that promises to change the world!

    I am still downloading the system as I write this so not much else to add at the moment.

    Some of the things I am looking for though are:

    - Usability (navigation, customisation, look and feel etc)
    - How compelling it is to use (and more importantly keep)
    - I will be ensuring that no 'spyware' appears on my computer after downloading!
    - Relevance of it to me
    - How the segmentation works (are you asking people what they are interested in, in order to deliver relevant ads and content!).
    - Not sure yet if this should be charged for or a free basic tool, that allows for users to buy additional future benefits, I would guess (and hope) that the advertising revenues should secure a sustainable revenue stream!

    Lets wait and see eh!
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    OK, I like it, I love the concept and execution of it, and its very intuitive.
    I can't change the colour of it, which bugs me!

    I like the one/two click idea to get to almost anything I would like.
    Not sure about your core themes of Cats, Dogs, Fish etc! I can see you have more themes which is good :-)

    Although I do like it alot, its not for me, it's obviously aimed at (or for major use for) consumers (my mother-in-law would love it, and I have sent her the link).
    I think you need to get a focus group sorted out to look at it from a consumer perspective, and see how they take to it.

    But I seriously think that this is the type of application that should be bundled with new consumer PCs to 'dumb down' internet, email and calendars.

    I don't think your average business user will find useful as it stands, but build in a URL blocker and you might have a product that can be used by businesses to stop their users sufing the net and wasting them time and make them more productive.

    It also says on the main screen "Add your images: Click "Tutorials"" ... I guess you mean "Click Settings"!

    I hope this all makes sense and helps you!
  • Posted by nmuqbel on Member
    do you have an IT consultant?? I think tracking the howmany people will load it on your computer is not a difficult thing. You can create a login name and password.
    As Andrew said it would be alot nicer if it can be more custom-friendly and professional. I like the concept.

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