
Topic: Career/Training

Am I Out?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi there,

Seems tasks are completed by my fellow colleague as I have been writing exams. She does give me feedback when she's done it anyway.

My boss no longer comes to my desk, just a greeting when he's passing me.

I have been on probation for 3 months and extended it to another month. However, during this last month, I have been writing exams. Not significant performance can be measured during this time, I suppose.

Do you think I should smell a rat, am I getting fired?
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Sounds ominous!

    Do something, so something good and memorable at work, suggest a new strategy or tactics. Show somewhere to save money or make money.

    Its never good to drop off the radar of people around us at work, because if you so, and they are thinking of getting rid of someone, you would be expendable!

    Good Luck
  • Posted on Member
    Stinks to me...
    I have never waited for boss to sack me or give me the booth, if I smelled it coming I would go out of my own will and descision and I certainly never have asked a question like this on a forum like this!
    Shame on you!!!
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Ask the boss if you are in trouble... ask directly, dont argue, just listen.

    If he says no followed by a whole bunch of jibberish, it really means yes.

  • Posted on Accepted
    I agree with most of these responses...but especially Frank. Don't go around wondering whether your head's in the noose...ASK! What's the worse thing that will happen? Be pro-active, make an appointment (don't just 'drop' in) with your manager/boss and find out what you can do differently to improve your position. Few employers would recent the direct approach; chances are, they'll be relieved that you are concerned about your job.

    Good Luck, Debi Brady
    Writing & Marketing Consultant

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