
Topic: Career/Training

Tired Of Giving Ideas And Advice For Free...

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello all,

I have a wealth of knowledge on small business development as it relates to contractors and governmental entities. Several of the people that I have been giving advice and ideas to want to take some of the ideas that I have given them to decision makers such as city managers and dept. heads.

As a marketing professional, how do I start charging people for advice or even consultations?

Any ideas or suggestions would be great.

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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Welcome to our site.

    Wow, lots us us here have probably been through this dilemma at sometime and you will probably gets lots of different advice, so I'll give you mine.

    Back in the first part of 2003, I was in a paid job (within marketing) researching something (I forget what), and I found this site, it was new, but already gaining popularity and some respect.

    I stumbled into this forum and saw a posting that I thought I could help with, so I answered it, and I think my answer was accepted. I enjoyed the buzz of giving my advice (even if it was free and took up lots of spare time).

    Anyway, I became addicted to this site and trying to help others out, by giving my knowledge of some 14 years in marketing to people who maybe just had a few years or none at all.
    I found that giving advice came natural to me, and I enjoyed it.

    A few people contacted me offline and suggested I took it up full time, or that i would be good at it.

    So I took the plunge.

    I did a little research in my local area and started contacting local businesses offering marketing advice and help of any kind, I kept my costs very low to get some business and things just snowballed from there.

    Two pieces of advice I would give are:

    1. Seek out local consultants and talk to them, learn from them and their mistakes.

    2. Focus. I started out telling business I could do any marketing task for them (I knew I could), but no-one really needs a general marketer, so I learned to focus on what I love which is online marketing.

    I sometime dabble again in big strategy stuff and traditional marketing, but always get business on online. I can focus my message on that one subject, and really drive the message home, which seems to hit the buttons!

    Anyway, good luck, its a great life, even though getting a proper job is always tempting too.

    PS. Hang around here and help others out with free advice, see if you really do like consultancy, and you may even find out what your best topic is and get some business!
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    To start charging fees for services rendered, simply start charging.

    No more 'chatting" about the concept or project, just start the conversation like many Americans do: 'How will you be paying for this today?".

    I know, it seems harsh, but it's the only way to eliminate the tire kickers and time wasters. Getting down to brass tacks is not something everyone enjoys, but at some point you will have to raise the spectre of money....and lately I'm of the frame of mind to get over that painful part early and fast.

    My rates for this package of services is: XXXXX.xx and I accept Visa, Mastercard, American express. I'm ready to begin on ______ and will conclude this project ______. How will you be paying for this today?

    Print it out, and tape it to your mirror. Say it to yourself every morning while getting dressed. It gets easier every day.

    Or feel free to hang around here and work for points. They don't pay the rent, but they do buy you credibility and reputation, and sometime even bragging rights in certain social situations. :-)

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Set up a website, just a single page will do, state clearly what problems are you can solve, then add your telephone number and email address.

    If you don't want to spend any money on online advertising, ensure your SEO is good on the site to pull in local business (if you want to know how, contact me offline).

    Get business cards printed, and maybe a simple leaflet explaining your services dropped through the letterbox of local businesses (I did that, and it was successful).

    Start by charging a small amount, call it an "Introductionary Offer", I'm sure that in no time, you will have a good list of clients.

    All the best

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    melisa, this is an issue for me as well. I try to start the conversation off with a discussion of how my business works and let them know I will offer some consultation for free to make certain we are a match. Generally speaking, I give about 20 minutes of time away before say something like,, this is going to need some work and we should sign non-disclosure agreements. My non-disclosure is attached to a fee agreement.

    Frank Hurtte

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