
Topic: Strategy

How To Attract Top-tier Decision Makers To A Sunset Cruise?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am challenged by our COO to create "some kind of an invitation with an item included" to get ten high-level decision makers to join him on a yacht for a 2 hour cocktail reception. The purpose? To introduce them to our business model and discuss how to win their business. This promo must communicate that they are the "elite" and most influential business people in their profession.

Now it gets good; the event is ONE WEEK away.

Any suggestions are appreciated...
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member

    One week is being disrespectful of their time, not for what they will refer to as a two-hour "booze cruise".

    I think that you will do more damage than good by asking them with this short notice, they may very well take offense to it and consider themselves as last minute fill-ins.

    You need to take the time to plan it in advance and make it special, make is sound like so much fun that it gets written in stone in their schedule.

    Don't forget about their significant others, and include a gift for them.

    Definitely get a nice limo service to pick them up and drop them off.

    I like JB's idea of a video while they are riding as you will have a captive audience, play it once going to welcome them and once returning to thank them and then just leave them alone to enjoy the drive and their cocktails.

    I hope that helps!

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