
Topic: Taglines/Names

Software Product Name Challenge...

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm using this long holiday weekend to sit back, be creative and solve a problem that could sure use your help.

A few months ago we launched a significant upgrade to our video conferencing software which unfortunately has caused confusion in our market. We unveiled a product concept that is extremely difficult to explain and I'm hoping some of the people in this audience might help me uncover a product name/tagline that will accurately describe what we've created.

Although our core service is desktop video conferencing, we now simulate the business process that occurs naturally when a prospect or client visits a "brick & mortar" office. Using video, audio and collaboration components, you can "greet" your guests in your reception area and then walk them to the most appropriate meeting room, depending on the reason for their visit. Actual photographs of your corporate meeting facilities coupled with live face-to-face video, create a communication environment that duplicates your own boardroom, conference room, training room or personal office. Once everyone is seated in the most appropriate environment, you can show your product literature, PowerPoint presentations, product demonstrations, customer testimonials or recorded video information.

We tried using the term "virtual office" but that brings to mind rented office space with secretarial services. We tried to use "web office" but that is used by our major competitor who has developed a brand that connotes online slide presentation and file sharing. We asked our customers to describe our service and they said we have created a "virtual conversation and presentation center". None of these terms really describe how our "office simulation" enhances the sales/marketing process by creating a unique environment to effectively communicate with an audience and one that builds a relationship of warmth and trust, just as you would do if you were meeting face to face.

Does anyone have an idea of what we should call our newest product? Thanks for any suggestions you may have... dave
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Conference Room
    Virtual Conference Center
    Live Conference Center
    E-Conference Center
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Frank... We started with a "conference" image but the new difference is that our product now accomodates meetings, presentations and conversations within a particular visual environment. We've learned that you communicate differently when you have 50 people in a boardroom, or 6 people in a conference room or a dozen people in a training room and certainly it's a very different meeting when you bring one or two people into your personal office. Unfortunately the word "conference" in our focus groups did not convey how our software simulates the differences in communication process within each style of presentation/meeting room.

    Unlike our competition, we aren't focussing on a one-to-many presentation as often is done in a conference setting. Our emphasis is on relationship building where people sitting in the most appropriate visual environment, using multiple webcams enjoy a full two-way interactive conversation. The setting actually transforms a conversation and individual behaviour. I thought this was only possible in a "real-office" but it happens online when you adjust environmental context, the message and person proximity.

    Thanks Ron... MyMeetingSpace starts to indicate the type of environment. In fact some of our users invite guests using the phrase "join me in my online meeting space". But it causes confusion because although the HOST meets them in the "reception room", they then walk to perhaps the virtual "boardroom" or a specific "personal office". I personally meet people at the reception desk, take them to my office for a virtual coffee or if they are more than business associates, I take them to the virtual patio for a drink. Once again, the visual environment, the message to be communicated and the relationship with the audience all impact the resulting level of communication.

    We've developed a new way of communicating online and I'm hopeful that the product name and or tag line can be descriptive... it's been quite a challenge for me :-))

    thanks... dave
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Dave,

    You've provided some fantastic great and insights. I'm very excited by this product - it sounds fantastic!

    My recommendation is somewhat evocative (I think you can be more descriptive in your tagline), but it's rooted in a few key points you've made:
    - you're bringing the feeling of human interaction to online video conferencing
    - you're simulating the entire office experience
    - at the end of the day, this is about improving business relations...creating better relationships. I think that the essence of your software brand sits here. It's what differentiates you from other video conferencing software.

    The recommendation:
    Hand Shake

    I don't have a final tagline for you, but would recommend a theme around creating better business relationships, remotely.
  • Posted on Author
    Yes! you're definitely placing me on the right track... thanks!

    No doubt about it, the word "Handshake" really creates a mental image of warmth & trust. It's exactly what we all do before we begin a meeting and sets the stage for a hopeful, satisfying communication. Now how do you feel it can be applied to a product name? Does a customer say they bought "handshake software", or "a Handshake Office", or they attend a "handshake meeting"? My mind is turning in an exciting direction....

    Best go cut the lawn and keep my thoughts churning.... dave
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Eye2Eye, Face2Face, Mano-a-Mano (Hand 2 Hand),Toe2Toe,Palm2Palm .... 'Handshake' a great logo image...all similar SoftWare names implying direct contact.

    Rescuing Relationships with Real-Office Results.

    Hope this helpskeep things churning for you!
  • Posted on Author
    Morning and thanks for the concepts "Eye2Eye" and "Actual Office". I really appreciate the help I'm receiving.

    Vic has picked up on my point pertaining to the office metaphor. One of my key needs is to be able to invite "guests" to an online meeting or personal conversation held within a special virtual environment. eg Please visit with me in my "virtual office/web office" and we'll share a virtual coffee".

    I'm not struggling with a name for just the software ie Handshake or Eye2Eye Meeting Software as we already have a name for our video conferencing software product line... it's how do you identify a name to describe our unique online office simulation that uses our live video and contextual environment to build a relationship? I'm hoping to uncover something that reflects a "virtual" or "web" office but implies warmth & trust as was presented by "IMCARTER" with the word "handshake"

    cheers... dave
  • Posted on Author
    Good point about a possible negative reaction to "handshake"

    I'm not sure what you are suggesting about "welcome"? Is it "please visit with me in my "Welcome Office" for a virtual coffee??

    cheers... dave
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks again for everyone's contributions. Since I last responded, we've been doing further focus groups. Unfortunately we still can't "get a handle" on what to call our new online video conferencing office software.

    To recap, we simulate the business process that occurs during a visit to a "brick & mortar" office. Using video, audio and collaboration components, you can "greet" your guests in your reception area and then walk them to the most appropriate meeting room, depending on the reason for their visit. Actual photographs of your corporate meeting facilities coupled with live face-to-face video, are used to create a communication environment that duplicates your own boardroom, conference room, training room or personal office. Once everyone is seated in the most appropriate environment, you can show your product literature, PowerPoint presentations, product demonstrations, customer testimonials or recorded video information.

    The terms "virtual office", "web office" and "virtual conversation and presentation center" can not be used, even though they potentially describe what we have available. Also, none of these terms really describe how our "office simulation" enhances the sales/marketing process by creating a unique environment to effectively communicate with an audience, and one that builds a relationship of warmth and trust, just as you would do if you were meeting face to face.

    Here are some new terms given to us. Do any of you have any comments on the following possibilities or perhaps they can trigger a more appropriate term ??

    Communication Center
    Media Center
    NetVu Office
    VisitVu Office
    Vision Suite

    thanks for your thoughts... dave
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Kathryn...

    You're on to something!! A "space" where you interact is very close to a valid description of what we are providing. A focus group this morning gave us "BusiPlace"... a place where you carry on business.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on this new direction? Perhaps "ComSpace"... a space where you communicate?

    thanks... dave
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the comments..

    How about "CommPlace" and "MyCommPlace" ?? ...a location for online communication.

    cheers... dave
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for all your comments... I truly appreciate the discussion!

    As Joel has said, our product has potential and the name will be critical. I believe we have developed a unique communication environment that requires a new name... just like "blog & podcast" became new terms, I'm hoping we can uncover a way to describe what our software does.

    I feel it's now best to close this thread, go back to our focus groups and see if over the next few weeks we can arrive at something appropriate. If anyone would like to continue this discussion off-line, please feel free to contact me at

    Thanks again for all your help.... dave

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