
Topic: E-Marketing

Finding A Service W/ Links To Online Content

Posted by Billd724 on 125 Points
I need your help to find an online service that can find links to relevant online content of various kinds. It does exist. I found it a year ago. Unfortunately, I didn't bookmark the site (arghh!) and now I can't find it for the life of me.

As I recall, the service allows you to create a profile for each of your clients, prospects, etc. that includes key words reflecting their interests. It then searches the internet for relevant / interesting links to online content and provides you with the option to then email selected links it finds to your recipients with a brief personalized message from you. I think this is a great service. The fee was around $60 a month, I believe.

Why I want to find it:
I am seeking a way to find links of relevance to a variety of my clients, contacts, etc. and automate the distribution of those links to my contacts via a periodic 'keep-in-touch' email.

The challenge I face:
Because of the myriad number of contacts and the variety of their interests, the permutations of possible links suggests that, absent some form of automated processing, this will quickly become impossible to maintain. So . . .

Does anyone know of:
1. the service I've described or,
2. a similar service, or
3. how to recreate the same result?

As always, your input is graciously appreciated.

Thank you.
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  • Posted by Corpcommer on Accepted
    Hi, Bill!

    I don't know about the service you mention, but it sounds great. Since you are interested in "links to relevant
    online content of various kinds," you might find this portal of business and consumer links useful:

    Good luck.

    Corpcommer - Michele C.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    Is this the knd of thing you are looking for?
  • Posted by Billd724 on Author
    Hi all --

    So far, we're coming up short. But it's not for a lack of trying!

    Seriously, I do so appreciate your responses. This service is a 'turn key' approach to finding and sharing relevant links to online content with opted-in recipients via email.

    I'll let this remain open one more day. My PowerBook has to go into the shop for a day for new logic board so I'll check in and close this on Thursday, regardless.

    I have noted who's responded and when (not if) I find this highly desirable service, I'll share the secret with you who've been kind enough to respond to me on this one.

    Again, thanks . . . checking out until Thursday.

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    I have been following this... I am very interested to what you discover..
    Frank Hurtte
  • Posted by Billd724 on Author
    I have put a call into the 'orginal' source and am hoping to give you all the answer when I find it.

    Thank you for your input. You're the best there is!


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