
Topic: Student Questions

Research Project Proposal

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Perception of Workers towards Pension Benefits Provision and Service Delivery by Pension Funds: A Case Study of a Pension Fund.

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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    I like the words and it has a great beat, I give it a 76.

    Words are spelled correctly. Good grammar. They are in a cogent order. And I would have to say, these 20 words are among my favorite in my entire vocabulary. I would have to agree with you - what you have discovered is most probably a research project proposal. Does it have a name on it? Maybe you should return it to its owner. Put an ad in the newspaper lost-and-found section. I'm sure the owner would want it back.

    Now, do you have a question concerning this? And if you do and we contribute, are you going to come back to give us feedback, participate, and close it out (unlike the others you have contributed)?


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