
Topic: E-Marketing

How To Pull More Traffic?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are going to launch a classified site. We do need some millions of real visitors. What can be the optimized solutions to this? Can anyone help me building an optimized budget estimation? What can be the possible online marketing strategies?
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Without knowing more, you have a couple of promotional options:

    Natural Optimisation
    Sponsored Links (AdWords etc)
    Banner Advertising
    EMail Marketing

    Without further info about your particular business and objectives I can't help you. No-one can give you a budget without knowing what you are trying to achieve.

    If you want more detailed help, if you need help understanding what to do, when, who etc contact me offline.

    All the best

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    One thing you could do is to provide visitors and local businesses with relevant newsletters/advice (i.e. how to optimise websites, moving business checklist etc), you could be clever and cross promote businesses on your listings that pay a premium rate for example.
    Affiliates could be used to pull in visitors to sign up for the newsletter, then when you send it out you will get more traffic back, improved your traffic figures and help you promote your site more. Basically AFFILIATES= TRAFFIC, but I think you know that anyway.

    For your type of business you will need to place banner ads specifically on sites that send traffic to your competitors, Hitwise will be able to provide this data for you (it costs unfortunately), but I have used it with clients to 'hijack' competitors traffic and bring it to my clients site.

    I guess if you develop the newsletter approach, then this is in effect what you are doing. You could also provide a better service to your paying businesses by getting some basic demographic and interest details from people who sign up.

    Good Luck
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    If you need any further help, contact me offline.

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