
Topic: Student Questions

B2b Relationships

Posted by Carl Crawford on 250 Points

I am currently preparing for an exam, and have desired to do a few past exam questions. I am currently stuck on the following question.

"Concerning buyer- seller relationships compare and contrast the features of a collaborative relationship versus a transactional relationship in the business market. Describe how the operational linkages might differ by relationship type."

I some how need to write 3 or 4 pages on this, but I am stumped.

Here is an outline of what I have come up with so far:

Start off by describing what constitutes a collaborative relationship, which includes:

Long term
Working together to get
Shared vision
Normally straight rebuy once established
Possible co-design of products/services to tailor to the customer needs

Then a transactional relationship, which includes:

Short term
Possibly change supplier
Focus on price

Then talk about the types of operational linkages that are developed for collaborative relationships: (possible example)

More linkages
Software, databases etc compatible
Co branding
Stronger Network in industry

Then transactional relationship:

Free to move around and find best deal, so not many linkages.
Possible direct debt
More catalog items
Less linkages

Then the reasons why there are two types of relationship and why they exist:

I guess companies dont want to get to involved with some companies because they want to be able to

While other companies form partnerships because they want to get the best deal or they have specific goals that can only be achieved by partnering with another company and sharing the risk.
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