
Topic: Student Questions

The Dynamics Of Mass Communications

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
What are the recent changes you have observed in the world of mass communication internationally in general, and in Singapore in particular? How do you think these changes have affected dissemination of information and entertainment?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    sounds like one of my past homeworks ;)
    i guess you can start answering your questions by looking around you. how do you think have mass media evolved? given those observations, maybe you can start looking at specific traits in singapore which you think are directly or indirectly affected by the effects of mass media.
    your topic is interesting. im sure youll start enjoying the things that youll learn once youve start researching :)
    good luck
  • Posted on Member
    illustrating the changes in mass communication is a start. more than that, though, you have to articulate the reasons behind those changes. i think thats the more interesting part. you should come to a point where your stand is whether or not those changes were inevitable or if they were forced instead. again, this will bring you back to the basics of marketing, knowing your market - the consumers. the more you know about them, the more you will understand why changes in mass communication come about.
  • Posted by MANSING on Accepted

    This is very big subject and I don’t want to give you wrong information about the New Face of Mass Communication. You need to understand here that we are comparing the changes same what we do in gap analysis. But you got different scope to generate with different points which will show vital changes in the mass communication.

    When I call my bank for enquiry, some from abroad picks up the phone and answered all the answer they want. Same think you are doing here! This all about communication but the level is different.

    I will suggest you to follow the International books on “Mass Communication”; you have to tap some issues about globalisation in your study. Why don’t you get help from “Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Malaysia?” and Laws of communication and Malaysian culture. Please click on following website for further details. If you need any other information please write me.

    Best Luck!!


    M Bhor


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