
Topic: Student Questions

Important Packaging

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
why has the packaging of products incresed in importance over the last decade. could someone give me examples to discuss the elements of effective packaging? thanks very much!
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Because items need to sell themselves. Stores can longer afford (or no longer are willing to pay) salespeople to walk around describing every product. Therefore, packaging has become more and more important in order to catch the eye of the consumer, look "quality", and give enough info for the consumer to make a decision.

    Some exceptions to this rule: lumber stores, art galleries, furniture stores, car lots. Why? Because it ismuch more difficult to realize what you are buying in these environments.

    Here is a few examples: TOYS, Food, computer supplies, BOOKS.

    I'll let you go to the stores and see what I mean for yourself.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    an example would be Nokia:

    from a visual perspective, it has to complement the perception of the product when the customer buys it and takes the phone home:

    from a functional perspective, it must protect the phone from damage

    and from a marketing perspective, it must educate the costomer. eg a user guide, brochures and collateral that is aimed at supporting the customer in setting up and enjoying the handset.

    hopes this helps

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