
Topic: E-Marketing

Permission Based Email That's Compliant

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
People get spammed all the time...I know there is a way to get your permission based emails that are compliant and will not be looked at as spam.

What steps would we take to get that compliance?
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Are you talking about getting past filters, etc., or are you talking about the recipient not viewing your message as spam?
  • Posted on Member
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    It seems to me you are asking three questions:

    how to "get permission based email addresses"
    how to create emails which are not perceived as SPAM
    how to be "compliant" (e.g with the CAN-SPAM laws)

    The method preferred by most folks on this forum is to build your own list, by having helpful content on your web site, a place for folks to sign up for info, and setting up an informative newsletter. If you are sending to folks in the US, you will need to be compliant with the CAN-SPAM laws (you need a valid physicial address, a working "opt-out mechanism", and a few other things...)

    I'd suggest contacting an expert to discuss further. Over to the right, there is a list of experts in email marketing. If you want this project to have a good chance of success, I'd suggest that you contact one of the names near the top of the list (but don't call me, I'm a telemarketing guy). Since Paul at Inbox Interactive has responded to your question, you might start there. Good luck.

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