
Topic: E-Marketing

Viral Marketing Techniques

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I know there have been many posts on the topic of Viral Marketing on the exchange, but I need some specifics regarding the following. Should a company incorporate a uniform standard/format regarding outgoing e-mails, where as in my case we could use such in a way to complement the corporate brand...for example; some companies include a tagline and/or mission statement at the bottom of every e-mail message. The benefit here of course is that as messages get forwarded, a tagline and/or mission statement might encourage some to consider the company’s services. Some in the company question the effectiveness of such tactics. What do you experts think?
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    As a sales oriented person, I understand the importance of promoting a brand, but my preference is for Marketing to provide optional tools for sales, rather than a rigid set of standards...

    ... and so my question would be, do you sell various products or services to various markets? If so, one of the beauties of email is that you can easily have one of several related messages. For example, a very good friend of mine is a sales manager for a printing company. The company sells design and print service direct to corporations, etc., and well as printing only thru relationships with graphics communications firms. Rather than a single "tag line" he has multiple sets of literature, because he does not want to "advertise" the fact that he is in fact a competitor to his graphics oriented clients.

    Have you considered asking Sales to submit copies of "standard" emails for approval? This way, as folks in sales develop winning strategies, you can share these ideas with the rest of your team.

    One way to minimize some objectives of Sales to "approving their emails" might be to tell them that you need to ensure all emails comply with the CAN-SPAM act...

    Good luck

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