
Topic: Career/Training

Book Suggestion - Marketer Doing Sales

Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on 250 Points
I have pretty wide experience doing marketing, but not that much doing the face to face, gotta close business side of sales. I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion for a book to read that would help a marketer understand (and be able to better do) the sales side?

One of my clients has me helping them in this area. A mixture of channel development (so having to 'sell' distributors on the idea of carrying the products) and some direct sales. I'd like to read up a bit and see if I can improve myself in this area.
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  • Posted by Phoenix ONE on Accepted
    Any books on solution selling would work:

    these are 3 excellent books- I refer to all 3 in our sales training programs -

    I would also suggest you take a seminar or workshop these are invaluable .

    And most important get in front of as many customers as you can - nothing works better than perfecting your craft.

    Good Luck & Happy Selling~
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    My favorites are, "How to make friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie - "How to master the art of selling" by Tom Hopkins, and "The New Strategic Selling by Stephen Heiman.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Sales Execs, Salespeople and Sales Trainers need a repeatable and effective selling process they can follow to maximize sales productivity. If they don't have a process to follow, the best any salesperson can do is wing-it.

    Action Selling is a process which systemizes selling as a repeatable, nine-act drama that utilizes the five critical sales skills and follows the decision making process all buyers use in the course of any major sale. Action Selling is a non-manipulative and highly effective selling procedure; a road map salespeople from any industry can easily follow to sell more, protect profit margins and build stronger customer loyalty.

    You can read about it and/or download the preface and introduction at

    The book describes the Action Selling sales process and sales training program by means of a short story in which an airline flight becomes a life-changing experience as two veteran salespeople, Matt and Joe, discuss realistic problems with Matt’s career. The short story is 96 pages long and takes about 90 minutes to read. Salespeople say they find it fun and engaging, but also painfully true. They recognize the difficulties Matt faces in a fast-changing sales environment. And they wince as Joe points out the mistakes Matt is making—because these are costly errors committed, unknowingly, by the vast majority of salespeople, including seasoned veterans. “The story format lets us show them, instead of just telling them, how they can make more money and enjoy their jobs more fully,” author Duane Sparks says.

    After reading the book, you can also take the free sales skills assessment from the same site mentioned above. This assessment measures your current knowledge and ability to use the Five Critical Sales Skills and shows you areas that need improvement and then gives you sales training recommendations. It's a very useful tool.

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