
Topic: Student Questions

Coke And Pepsi

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Why is it that Coke is far ahead of Pepsi in sales in developed countries such as America, but lags behind Pepsi in Developing Countries like India. Is there a problem with the marketing in these countries? Arent the Sales of Coke or Pepsi or any aerated drink for that matter 90% about brand image and only 10% about taste? If yes, then what is wrong with Coke's Brand Image in countries like India?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    You know...I hat to think of the idea I have been "tricked" into thinking I like Coca-cola more than Pepsi.

    The fact is, I like the taste of Coca- Cola better...hands down.

    My point? Not everyone is as shallow as people think they are about brand names. To me, Pepsi is just as prominent and sucessful as Coke, in spite of the numbers. I just happen to like Coke better...and apparently I am not alone.

    Sorry, but I don't give 90% credit to the brand.

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