
Topic: Student Questions

Whats The First Thing I Should Do As A Marketing Intern In A Medium Sized Software Company?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am a new marketing intern for a software company that develops solutions for the staffing industry. I am the only marketing person here and I'm not really sure where to start. This is my first marketing job so I don't have any experience which makes it very stressful for me because I don't wanna screw up. Please help! I need some advice and/or suggestions.
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi jverdes,

    It is important that you understand what is expected of you, it is essential you get this information from upper management ASAP.

    What is the scope of your responsibilities? How will your success, or failure to succeed, be measured?

    Did anybody preceed you? If so, what did they do right or wrong? Contact them and set up a meeting to get their perspective.

    Understand your company's value proposition thoroughly, and those of your competition.

    Start reading, if you look in these archives I believe their was a question posted about the best marketing books everybody has read, if not, post the question.

    This forum, current and archived, has invaluable information in it, as does the marketingprofs website, start exploring some of it every day.

    That's a start and I hope it helps, good luck and make it fun!
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    You are an intern at a company with no marketing department? How did that happen?
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    I would definitely work with the person who will 'manage' you, whether that is the CEO or someone else. Chances are they have activities in mind for you to do, so you will likely have tasks to do when you arrive. If there are or not, you are definitely asking the right questions - what objectives, missions, goals, etc. the company has.

    I guess the best advice is what you have seen already - relax and don't worry too much. You are asking the right questions, so even if they don't have set tasks they want done right waway, I am sure you will find productive things to take on.

    And once you do get in and see what needs to be done, feel free to come back here for more advice.

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